Ignoring is quite hard

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Well the weekend was... I don't know... empty. Now it's finally finished, it felt like forever. I woke up and got up, did the morning stuff and when I was about to leave, I just remembered something, 1. Have to avoid TB, 2. HOW DO I DO IT??? 3. And who do I stay with? 4. Or where do I go during breaktimes and ahhhhhh more questions like that roaming through my mind! That's when I screeched for no reason and started running because I realized that class started in 10 minutes and it's a 20 minutes walk, that's why most of the time I take the bus but TB also takes it at times aaaand I saw the bus leaving, GREAT. I JUST MISSED IT NOW IM LATE... Guess I have to run now, and I started running. While running to school like my life depends on it, because I can't risk being late, I HAVE PERFECT ATTENDANCE, and if I remember correctly, today is day 42 of my perfect attendance (lost track of when the story started lmao) this year will it be ruined?? I HOPE NOT! I started running even faster, (gotta go fast) I didn't really care about the lights and if I pushed someone or even killed someone. I got in the school, still running but getting tired, the bell was gonna ring in 1 minute, I could see my classroom, then I somehow tripped, I don't know over what but I did. Pretty embarrassing. Quickly got up and continued my marathon to the class. I (DAMN THATS A LOT OF I'S XD) saw the door still luckily open and had one final sprint and pounced inside the classroom, somehow I didn't fall on the floor but rather on someone, damn I must've tackled that person really hard but whatever, at least i'm right on time.

"Uhm, you okay Golf Ball?" A familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw a hand, then I figured the person's face, it was TB. Fuck.

"W-why are you trying to help me???" I asked

"Sheesh no need to be so dry to your lover!" Someone in the classroom exclaimed

"SHUT UP CLOCK!" I yelled

Quickly I got up and sat down somewhere, where TB couldn't sit down next to me. I really don't want to talk to him

As class was about to start and the bell was about to ring, a grey haired familiar girl tripped in front of the whole class, she was breathing pretty quickly for some reason. When she fell I stood up from my seat and tried helping her up, realized pretty quickly it was Golf Ball, maybe I could ask her why is she avoiding me. But when I offered my hand she didn't take it and sat down far from me. Damn it hurts. Why is she mad? What did I do??? Oh well, maybe i'll know the truth one day who knows. Right now class started. During class, Coiny pestered me.

"Hey psssst TB"


"What happened between you and GB?"

"I have no idea! She never did that!"

"Try talking to her!"


"Tennis Ball, be quiet, you are interrupting my class." The teacher said. Did I yell? Whoops. Didn't mean to.


"Just make sure you don't do that again or i'll have to give you detention, okay?"

"Thank you teacher"

Phew that was close, I really don't want to end up in detention. Because I still need to try talking to Golf Ball. I'm not sure why she doesn't want to talk to me, is it because of what happened at the party? I don't know! Then I asked Coiny for advice, might regret it but who cares

"uhhh Coiny?"


"Do you have any idea of how I could talk to GB?"

"Hmmm nope not really, or maybe I could ask Pin to talk to her?'

"That'd be great, than-"

"Tennis Ball, I thought I told you to stop talking, I'm sorry but for not listening to it I'm giving you detention" The teacher said

"Aw come on! I was asking for help!" Coiny defended

"Coiny, I know TB wouldn't really help you while I'm teaching, so I'm sorry but TB you have detention and Coiny if you do that again you'll also end up there"

I was mad now, so I stopped talking but I glanced at Coiny he had a smile? That's when he had paper balls and? WHY IS HE THROWING THEM ON GOLF BALL???

"oh my god..." I heard Golf Ball whisper, knowing her she was gonna explode soon. He didn't stop, but I think I got his plan. He kept doing it until-


"I am done. You also got detention." Damn the teacher really IS mad already.

"B-but!" She started

"I don't care anymore. Just everyone is free. And you two GO TO DETENTION for god's sake." The teacher said, exasperated.

Do I thank Coiny? Depends. Anyway I headed to detention, we didn't go together but She can't avoid me forever. I'm gonna talk to her while we're there.

I GOT DETENTION???? If I find that ONE person who kept throwing me paper balls, I SWEAR THAT PERSON IS DEAD! AND TB IS THERE TOO! Should I be glad? Or annoyed, after all, I AM mad at him ever since what happened at the party. I'm going to the room and saw TB already there, there are 25 seats 5x5 and he's in the middle row, left side. And there weren't any other seats left SO I HAD TO SIT IN FRONT OF HIM. GREAT. I sat down there and just waited, doubt that he won't try to talk to me. I looked around, people were doing homework, talking and some were on their phone, I did all of my homework already so I just scrolled through my phone.

"Hey" a voice said

"What" I directly recognized it, it was Tennis Ball

"Can you just listen to me??"

"Why, it's obvious!"

"Do you even KNOW what happened and everything??"

"Of course I do I WAS at the party"

"But you don't know what happened there"

I was about to add something but closed my mouth, he DID have a point. Maybe nothing happened there, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

"Alright... tell me what happened."

GOD DAMMIT I AM SO SORRY!! It took so fricking longggg. Anywayyyyyy inspiration isn't really coming back, life sucks, (that's 2020 for ya) and other stuff in my life haha... yes i'm failing all of my classes now so yes i'm fucked. anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, no clue of when the next one will come out so please don't expect much and be patient please :,) . Anyway Byeeeeeeeee!

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