Another boring day

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I'm bored!!! It's so boring laying 24/7 on a bed! And no one even visits you! TB has school and my parents have work! So I just lay on the bed and do nothing! The books that are here aren't interesting! At least TB came to visit quickly to give me the homework so I have something to do. I grabbed my English homework and did it. There didn't seem to have a lot of homework so it was pretty quick. Now I don't have anything to do again! I have my phone but it's charging and I have limited time. What if I break a rule and take my phone? I decided to do it and when I hear someone I could put it back, I kinda struggled to walk since I got hit pretty hard in the stomach so everytime I walk, my stomach hurts. I grabbed my phone and went back on my bed and texted TB.

GB: TB!!!!!! I'm bored!
TB: I get you... I will get you a book and something from Moonbucks
GB: Wait... aren't you supposed to be at school?
TB: Oh actually, I got 2 free hours since the teacher isn't here so I'm going to see you.
GB: Really? Thanks! Can you also do some maths problems for me plzzzzz
TB: Sure! And what would you like from Moonbucks?
GB: You don't have to
TB: I will bring you something so what do you want? The usual? A matcha?
GB: Okay get me the usual, how long will it take for you to arrive?
TB: Around 30 minutes I guess
GB: Oh... okay. I will see you later!
TB: Later!

I put down my phone on charging and where it was and went back to bed. I didnt want him to bring me anything from Moonbucks because I don't really want him to spend some money for
me and I didn't want to say that it's not permitted for us patients to drink it or he would've ranted to everyone there... I was looking out the window trying to see a boy with bright green hair. I really hoped he would arrive sooner, I wanna talk to him! It's just boring laying down on a bed and so nothing all day and wait until they tell you you can leave! Wait now that I think about it... he would've bought it for no reason then! Why did I not tell him seriously... I facepalmed myself and buried myself under the blanket. A few moments later, I finally heard the door open, I got out of under my blanket and saw TB "TB! Finally you're here!" I said "I'm finally here haha" He said "Wait... how did they let you pass with the Moonbucks?" I asked when I saw he was holding a matcha "Well... they just let me pass?" He explained "Oh okay! Thanks, can you stay a bit I wanna talk with you because is boring here doing nothing all day!" I asked "Of course, it's not the same without you..." He said, then he looked to the other side, he looked a bit red "Uuuh, TB are you okay? You're red." I said "Wait what?" He asked then completely turned around "There is it better?" He asked "Yeah" I said. We spoke for a while when the nurse came in "Golf Ball, you will be free tomorrow!" She said. "Really?! YES!!" I exclaimed, Tennis Ball was smiling "Anyway I'm gonna go now, i will see you tomorrow bye!" He left "Bye!" I said back.

Yes! Tomorrow she's finally free! It felt like an eternity without her. But I'm happy she's leaving the hospital tomorrow, I must make food for us tomorrow since I'm gonna invite her for a sleepover and do a welcome back hang out for her. No way I'm telling her my feelings tomorrow even if it's gonna be just the two of us! I went back to school, it was boring without Golf Ball. Finally school was finished for the day so I went home with a smile on my face. I made myself some food and ate it. Then I did everything I needed to do before going to sleep and went to bed. Tomorrow is finally Friday... means I will finally hang out with Golf Ball on the weekend if she can. I was sleeping, but she wouldn't come to school tomorrow too so it was another good thing about tomorrow being Friday. I couldn't fall asleep since i was too excited for her come back so I ended up falling asleep at 1 AM, this is bad because I won't be able to focus correctly. I was scrolling down NoTube to watch some videos, nothing interesting, I loudly sighed "I'm boreeeeed!" I wasn't an insomniac but this time it was different, I WAS having one! I seriously hope I don't fall asleep in class. I fell asleep at 3 AM so I will only sleep for 4 hours... greaaaat. I was having a great dream when my alarm clock just ruined it, i punched the alarm clock and woke up. I did everything I needed, I was really drowsy I wanted more sleep. Thank god it's Friday! I was ready and went to school, I almost crossed the road when it was red, I almost hit my head against a pole. I got inside the building "Woah TB are you okay?" Someone asked "I think he didn't have enough sleep." Another person replied to them. "Oh okay..." Then they left. I went to my locker, this looks like a day out for me... i hit my head on the locker when I opened it "Ow..." I said then fell asleep on my locker door. I quickly woke up since I was about to fall, I could hear some small giggles around in the hallway. I wanted to go to the bathroom to wash my face. "OH MY GOD THERE IS A BOY IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM!!!!!!" I heard a high pitched voice scream then felt some stuff hitting me. I left the bathroom, my eyes were pretty much closed that's why I somehow went in the wrong bathroom. I was embarrassed, then I finally entered the right bathroom. I washed my face and opened my eyes. Then I left the bathroom and went to class. "Tennis Ball! What is happening?" I heard the teacher "Woah uhh wha?" I said randomly, people started to laugh "Pay attention to class! You are one of my best students!" My teacher said. "Okay..." I mumbled. I was too tired to follow. I was sleeping in the class. I slept in pretty much all my classes. Then I went home and laid down on my bed. "Finally I can sleep!" I exclaimed and fell asleep. I heard the doorbell ring soon after.

Finally I'm out of the hospital! School is finished so I'm gonna pas a visit to TB! I went to his house and rang the doorbell. No answer, I rang it again and a door opened, TB was here "Hey TB! I'm out of the hospital!" I exclaimed "Come in..." He mumbled, he looked sleepy I wonder what's wrong. We sat down on the couch then... he fell asleep on me, he put his head on my lap. I started blushing "Uuuuh TB?" I asked. He didn't say anything he was just sleeping "Guess I will wait until you wake up..." I sighed, I turned on the TV and watched it while I was stroking TB's hair since r was asleep.
Heyyyyy here is a new chapter! I'm trying to upload everyday since in less than 2 weeks I have school ;-; school means I'm not uploading much or even not at all! Anyway hope you liked this chapter and I will see you on the next one! Byeeeee!

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