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I hope we don't see Snowball tomorrow... Who knows what kind of trouble GB would get herself into... I have to stay with her more tomorrow. Snowball isn't the type to forget and so is Golf Ball. I'm the only one who can control her anger, her parents can too but it's only temporarily and they aren't always there while I can fully calm her down and I'm pretty much always with her. I can't imagine if we are actually together, though I HIGHLY doubt it but I feel like we are gonna be together even more, I'd be pretty much GLUED to her! But what can you say? A duo sticks together. I'm getting ready for school right now and just when I got ready, my doorbell rang and I knew it was Golf Ball. "Hey TB!" She greeted "Hi" I greeted back. We then walked to school. (Geez why do I always repeat the routines seriously?) we arrived to school at the exact same time: 7:55 and class starts at 8:30 so we went inside the building, got to our lockers, grabbed our needed stuff.

I was walking with TB like always but this time I was thinking about yesterday. I must stick with TB for the day to avoid fighting Snowball. Tennis Ball is like a caretaker for me, so I don't feel like he will like me more than a friend. Well there's 11.018397% chances that he likes me and 86.981603% chances he only sees me as a friend aaaand 2% that he finds me annoying and hates me. While we were walking to our class, I felt someone pulling my shirt, I tried going further but it was so strong and TB went further. "Okay, Who is pulling my shirt!?" I exclaimed "You put me in detention! And now you need to face a punishment!" A voice said, I turned around and saw none other than SB "Ugh Snowball what do you want? I need to get to class!" I exclaimed. He then lifted me up in the air, grabbing my shirt. "I must beat you up nerd!" He said. "LET ME GO!" I screamed while I was kicking the air. "No!" He said and punched me in the stomach while holding me. I then succeeded to kick him back but it was too weak. "What did you just try to do..?" He said. Uh oh... and TB is gone! Now what do I do "Trying to defend myself dumbass!" I yelled "You do NOT call me that!" He yelled and punched me back in the stomach. He was about to punch my face when I heard a familiar voice yell "GET AWAYYYY!!!!!" But got punched hard in the face. Then I felt myself fall on the ground. My sight started to get blurry, as I was slowly blacking out I was seeing something bright green/yellow saying something, I couldn't hear it since I was blacking out.

While I was walking, I was talking to Golf Ball, I was saying something then I didnt notice she was gone. "Golf Ball?! Where are you!!" I exclaimed in the hallway. I was going back, didn't see her. What if something happened to her?! Oh no! Did I walk too fast and she couldn't catch up? I was scared, my biggest fear is to lose her. As I was going back to my steps, I saw a crowd. Why would there be a crowd right here? The only option was that there is a fight. I got in the crowd, I got in the front and saw Golf Ball getting beaten up by Snowball. I got angry and tackled down SB. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yelled after I tackled him, got on him and punched him multiple times his face. Then I got back to where Golf Ball was. "GOLF BALL ARE YOU OKAY?!?! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!" I yelled as I grabbed her by the shoulders. She blacked out. I took her up and carried her, I was running fast to the nurse's office, I can't believe it's the second time this week we are going to the nurse... "Hello again Tennis Ba- Oh my... what happened again?!" The nurse said "She got beaten up!" I exclaimed. "Oh my... I will try the best I can to heal her wounds!" The nurse said and started healing GB. I was sitting on a nearby chair with a nervous look. I went on my phone, good thing I had the phone number of Golf Ball's parents. I texted them about what had happened right now and then I went on my social media. The healing is taking a while I wonder why, I'm really worried about this... "Tennis Ball, we called the emergency because the school can't really deal with this" The nurse explained. I gasped, was Golf Ball actually okay?! Please I don't want her to die! I had to wait in the nurse's office. Then Basketball and 8-Ball came in "We heard about what happened to Golf Ball, is she okay?" 8-Ball asked "I don't know! The emergency is coming!" I said, they both gasped. Then I felt a tear rolling down on my cheek "TB are you okay? You're crying!" Basketball remarked "Oh... I'm just worried!" I said. I felt my voice cracking down a bit, 8-Ball comforted me. I buried my head in my hands. "I, hope she's not *sniff* dead!" I teared up. "It's that jerk's fault!" Basketball exclaimed.

 "It's that jerk's fault!" Basketball exclaimed

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"No it's my fault... I should have noticed I was distracted by talking and that he stopped her" I said "Nooo don't say it's your fault!" 8-Ball said "Now she *sniff* might be dead!" I bursted out of tears again. "GB is strong, I'm sure she won't be dead!" Basketball cheered. "I sure hope so..." I said. Then they left since they just had to comfort me. I was still at the office, waiting for the emergency, I was also crying a bit more. Then they arrived "Uhm... can I come too?" I asked one of the doctors "You're the one who saved her? Okay you can" One of them said. Golf Ball was taken to the emergency, I could come with her, I was in the back with her and some doctors. I was holding one of her hands. I didn't think it was that bad... she still hasn't woken up. When will you wake up...? We then arrived to the hospital, this time I had to wait, I was walking round and around in the room. I then heard a door open, it was her parents "Oh dear! Tennis Ball you're here! Do you know what happened?!" Her mother asked "Yes let me explain..." I said. After I explained I burst into tears again. "Awww... you care a lot about my daughter right?" She asked "Yes. She's my best friend" I said. Of course I wasn't gonna tell her mom I love Golf Ball! I continued walking around in the room. Then I heard a door open, "Tennis Ball and the relatives? You may come in." One of the doctors said.
Hoiiiiii! Sorry if there are some weird stuff written in the end, I'm writing this at 2 AM since I can't sleep, but at the same time I want to sleep... Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I will see you on the next one. Byeeeeee!

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