The day before the party

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Nothing interesting happened on Wednesday and now we are Thursday evening, Basketball decided to take Golf Ball with her just to buy her a new dress, I couldn't help her! GB didn't want to go, I knew it but Basketball is very strong so she could easily carry her. They are still not back. I'm bored so I'm just studying for tomorrow's test in History. Mrs. Times ALWAYS gives us tests EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. It's pretty annoying considering the fact that we also have other branches to study for... History is not my best branch. At all. It's actually my worst one, same goes to Golf Ball. They left right after school and now it's evening. I hope she isn't up to anything... mischievous... Basketball can be really mischievous... and when she's like that... nobody can retain her doing it... so we always have to prepare when she's up to something, we seriously cannot trust her. While studying I sighed, I'm bored. I wanted to go out buuuut Golf Ball doesn't have the keys for my house... so I have to wait for her to come back. Instead of studying I laid back down on the couch. I really need to get some sleep and a break from studying... lately I've been really tired and I don't have enough sleep, so I laid down and took a nap.

Greaaat... Basketball is taking me shopping for an outfit for tomorrow's party... I don't wanna go to the mall, I already have an outfit I was planning to wear! "BB! Why are you taking me here? I already HAVE an outfit!" I screamed "Well I'm sure it's not good enough! You need to impress TB and make a good impression!" She explained "But it's only a party thrown by COINY." I said "Still, you need to ask TB out!" She argued "No! Not in front of everyo-" I started to say, I remember she doesn't know that secret and I just spoiled it... "What was that? Ooooooo you finally admit you like hiiim!" She teased "Just... don't tell anyone. Not even 8-Ball..." I gave up "Dont worry! It's safe with me" She said. We went to shops and I finally chose an outfit "I'm gonna pay for it! Don't worry!" BB said. I was about to yell at her but... I didn't and let her do what she wants... she would always argue and insist on it so I didn't do anything... "Basketball I'm gonna buy myself some tea first." I said "Okay, I'm gonna buy something too" She said. We went to the Moonbucks and bought some tea and a Frappé. While walking back home, we had to go separate ways. "Bye Golf Ball!" She said "Bye". It wasn't long before I reached his house, I rang the doorbell and he opened it "Finally I'm back..." I sighed annoyingly "Finally!" He exclaimed, I went inside the house. I was done drinking my tea, I sat down on the couch "TB! How much did you study right now!?" I exclaimed, I know we have to study but this much?! That's too much for us to handle! And I noticed he had tired eyes. "TB... I know we need to study but... not so much... please go to sleep" I said "No! I need to get better! I won't sleep!" He yelled "You have to! You look tired! Get some sleep!" I said. "This time I'm being serious! Go to sleep, you need it!" I said "Why..." He asked "Sleeping is really important, or you can't focus on class and it's important for your health." I said "Really?" He asked, his look said it, he doesn't believe that true fact. "Please... i care about you. A lot." I told him a truth. "Awww... *sigh* alright I'll go to sleep..." He said. "Night TB..." I said, he went to his room and went to sleep.

She cares a lot about me... I want to study. But I have to sleep for my own good. I need to take it easy! I put on my PJs and went to bed. Tomorrow is the party. I wanted to study but... why not have some fun? And I should rest for the test and the party. I quickly fell asleep, I was too tired anyways. I'm sure that Golf Ball is into smart guys, I must be smarter. I don't think I'm good enough for her, so I study more. Good thing I have a book of history in my room, so I started reading it. I don't wanna sleep, I want Golf Ball to love me. I must have more knowledge to be perfect for her! I was done reading half of the encyclopedia already and it's midnight now, more precisely 12 in the night. She demanded me to go to sleep at 21. Then I heard someone climbing the stairs so I faked sleeping. I heard a door open. "Good he's sleeping..." I heard a familiar voice say, eventually while I faked sleeping, I really fell asleep! I could still hear her, I wasn't in a deep slumber yet. Then the door closed since she seemed to have left it open. I decided to stop reading and faking my sleep and slept for 5 hours.

I checked up on Tennis Ball to see if he was sleeping because I felt like he wasn't sleeping. I came to his room, he was "sleeping" I decided to pretend to not know. I knew he was faking it or he fell asleep at 1. Why is he studying this much? I'm gonna tell him the truth tomorrow about how I knew that he was fake sleeping. Now I'm not sure if he's sleeping or not but uf he is sleeping, I don't want to wake him up. I decided to sleep on the couch for the night. I really didn't feel like sleeping too, i slept enough in the hospital. I fell asleep. Tomorrow's the party. I don't have a good feeling about this... what if Coiny plotted something or played a prank on us?! Ugh I don't wanna think about it... also, why did he invite us. I stopped thinking about it and fell asleep, I need to be in good shape for tomorrow's test and party.
Haii! This chapter was hard to write, that's why it's quite short, because I don't have any friggin ideas! School is mixing up with my brain and thoughts about my frienemy Ò.Ó maybe I like him? :0 Oh ma place where tennis balls are created! Arizure maybe likes someone :O!!! Cuuuuuz there are some moments with him xD but naaaah I don't. Anyway I will see ya in the next chapter. Byeeeeee!

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