Chapter Three: Group One

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Just so everybody knows, the states' designs were NOT based on anything! They simply look the way they do! Also, not all state rivalries will be showcased and some states might be unsuspecting friends. So, please don't get offended if something is off about your state. I also will take suggestions if you all want a certain state to do something. But I would wait until all the group chapters are published since some states already have some traits.

Thank you!


Before Alfred could explain, a teenage boy walked up. He had spiked up bleach blonde hair, tan skin, and minty eyes. He wore a simple white tee with some dirty blue jeans and star-patterned navy sneakers. He was almost the same height as Alfred and was very built fit, but not muscular.

"She'll be ok, it's just anytime she's reminded of Boston her heart skips a beat. She still has night terrors, so she sleeps with a breathing tube most nights. I oftentimes cuddle with her so she sleeps peacefully. Probably because I smell like vanilla bean ice cream. I'm Kasey Vermont Jones, by the way, it's a pleasure" the boy introduced with a small smile.

"B-Boston?" England stuttered out, his face blanching. Alfred sighed and looked at his family nations.

"I don't need help here, well Ivan can stay. Can you all take Mali, Quincy, Alicia, Liam, and Frederick to the kitchen? They don't need to see or hear this? Also, make sure Viv is ok and that the kids aren't destroying my kitchen," he asked, and all the knowing nations nodded. Prussia grabbed Mali, a little girl with curly black hair, Guam. Finland gently picked up Quincy, a small baby boy with golden locks and brown eyes, American Samoa. Hungary took the hand of Alicia, a young girl with braided black hair, Puerto Rico. Romano guided Frederick, a boy with brown hair and sparkling amber eyes out, US Virgin Islands. Denmark picked up Liam, a small boy with green eyes and wavy dirty blonde hair, Northern Mariana Islands. The rest of the family left the room quietly, Natalia, Mathias, and Matthew giving everybody a cold harsh glare before shutting the door. China, Germany, Italy, Spain, England, France, Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia all simply stood there.

"Mr. America?" Ukraine asked softly, with worry in her eyes. Alfred took a deep breath. He looked at all the older children, seeing the sadness in their eyes as well.

"Boston was my first capital and had a personification. Her name was Bonnie Boston Jones, and she looked exactly like Vivian. The two were so close that it was probably unhealthy. Before I gained my independence, there was a fight in Boston. It was basically the fire that kept me burning through the Revolutionary War. She was only three years old when she was shot by a British soldier, in what became known as the 'Boston Massacre' She didn't survive her injuries, and Vivian then took on her pain. Boston was peaceful for a fairly long time, until the marathon. In 2013, two homemade pressure-cooker bombs detonated towards the finish line. Only three people died, but many more were injured and the fear the people felt was so powerful the other thirteen could feel it. After the bombing, she began to have night terrors about reliving those memories and developed a heart condition. She's also blind in one eye since the Boston Massacre scarred her" Alfred explained softly, making England begin to tear. He had attacked America's capital more than he thought, he killed a toddler for crying out loud!

"It's his fault! He's lucky he hasn't been torn to bits!" a very large teen who made Ivan look tiny stepped up, holding a pistol to England, "you're the one who hurt her! I ain't never seen a sadder sight then when Viv clutches Bonnie's favorite bunny toy!"

"Oh my Ben and Jerry's, Brody at least introduce yourself before you point that thing at somebody!" Vermont scolded, the large man grunted in displeasure. Kasey looked at him with sweet innocent eyes, the state's lip quivering. The larger boy began to crack and finally sighed.

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