Chapter Fourteen: Master Chef America, Proud Papa Alfred

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It will get a tiny bit sexual towards the end!


The group of nations stayed in the dance studio for quite a while, all of them dancing and enjoying each others' company. Those foreign to the household learned they couldn't change their demeanor so suddenly towards America. Instead, they were only leaving him compliments when they really liked the moves he did. Some even gave polite criticism to him, like when his legs needed to be straighter or how he could have better footing. Those critiques often came from France, but he did so with a small smile and a friendly tone. Alfred didn't cut out or have flashbacks since the countries were acting civil, not overbearingly friendly. It soon turned 11:30 as told by the plain white clock on the observation deck's wall. The nations had grown quite the appetite exercising so they all began to head to the kitchen. America looked at them as they got up the stairs, smiling with a towel around his neck.

    "Why don't you all relax in your rooms for a bit? I'll cook lunch for everybody," America smiled brightly. It seemed a little forced, but not as much as before. They all smiled and nodded to the younger nation, going off to their rooms to relax. Some like China and Germany went to shower, as they smelt heavily of sweat. While walking past the music room England saw a gleam in the corner of his eye. He turned his head, making Canada, France, Japan, and Hungary stop.

"What's wrong England?" Hungary asked confused. England walked into the music room and saw the most beautiful grand piano. It was ivory white and was kept in the best condition. The thing that got his attention was a velvet box that was on the lid, as well as some dirty smudges on the music rack. Walking closer he saw it wasn't a smudge, but a signature. The others also walked quietly as England took a closer look at the writing.

Keep those stars in your eyes darling. They're the reason I love you. From one queen to another, Freddie Mercury

"That gitt has a SIGNED grand piano from Freddie!" England screeched with shock.

"Freddie?" Japan asked, tilting his head. Canada and Hungary chuckled.

"Freddie Mercury, Kiku. He's talking about Freddie Mercury," Canada explained with a chuckle.

"You mean zat man with the mustache zat came over a rot?" Japan asked, which made England screech again.

"Freddie came over every so often back in the day. He and Alfred spent hours trying to find that one friend, Jim. It was hilarious and Alfred smiled wider than decades before. Freddie gifted America that piano not long after his death, that and whatever was in that box," Hungary explained pointing to the black velvet container. France decided to open the velvet box, only to find an armband with studs on it. This also came with a card so France picked it up gently.

"Jou 'ave ze muscles for it darling. Wear it so you will always remember jou're a misfit like me" France read showing England the card. The emerald eyed nation began to tear up.

"That's his writing. Freddie was actually such good friends with Alfred. That lucky git!" England yelped happily as he placed everything the way it was before leaving the room. America had gotten into the kitchen and clapped his hands together, looking over to the apron hooks and pulling a black apron over his head. He began to gather ingredients for the perfect rainy day meal, chicken noodle soup, and fresh biscuits.

    He began to make the dough he liked, mixing all the dry and wet ingredients promptly before putting them together and setting the large piles of dough aside to rise. He then began to prepare the soup, getting two tall pots and pouring two gallons of chicken stock and a gallon of barley broth in each. He then began to skin and cut the carrots nicely and put them to the side. He preferred when they had a bite so it was one of the last things he added. He then began to add fresh spinach from the herb garden on the windowsill. He got out six freshly roasted chickens from a smoker out back and began to pull the meat and skin straight off. He had three chickens to a pot, that was when he began to heat the stove. He then began to peel some fresh red skin potatoes and chop them into large chunks. He put those aside as well and cut celery stocks by the tens.

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