Chapter Six: It's Ok to Cry

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So in 'Alfred's Book of Secrets' there was an entry about how Alfred was a victim of Jeffrey Dahmer. For those who don't know who that is, I suggest you look him up at your own risk. But just know he was incredibly sick minded. This chapter details further on Alfred's encounter with the man.

Please, if someone touches you inappropriately and you do not consent, tell somebody immediately! YOU are the boss of who or what can touch YOUR body, it does not matter what your guardians/parents/boss think! If you are being threatened or discriminated against, there are plenty of different hotlines for whatever your issue is! DO NOT let others tell you what to do with or how to control YOUR body! If this person is an adult you were supposed to trust, go to the police and press charges for attempted rape or attempted assault! Remember that it is NOT your fault that it happened! YOU are the victim in this situation!

If anyone ever needs a listening ear, whether it be for rants or just to relieve some stress, my message box is always open. I am here for you! You are not alone in this!


Kimiko Lee 



Alfred was quiet, very quiet. His silence made the entire room just feel like a void of nothing. Ivan took Alfred's hands, rubbing Alfred's knuckles with his thumbs. There was no noise from the soundproof room, everything just felt empty. Alfred couldn't look Ivan in the eyes, it caused him too much shame. He knew if he looked into Ivan's affectionate amethyst orbs and saw all the emotion, he would feel guilt too big a burden to carry. Ivan kissed Alfred's hands gently, still being silent. It stayed like this for five minutes before it was broken.

"How much do you know?" Alfred asked, still drooping his head with shame. Ivan cupped his cheek, brushing his soft cold palm against Alfred's warm cheek.

"The bad things you've lived through were something I was meaning to ask you about. Like, why were you burned at the stake?" of course Ivan already knew the answer, but he wanted to see if Alfred would be honest with him. Alfred sighed and shrugged.

"I honestly don't remember much about the colony days. But one day I was just playing with my pet bunny and the next thing I knew people were calling me a witch. I was a confused five-year-old boy that didn't see why what he was doing was so wrong. All the townsfolk said I was evil and that I needed to burn. They almost lit the hay by my feet on fire, but then Igor showed up. He's a wendigo, but not like a normal wendigo. I met him before England had even found me. One stormy night after mama had faded, I was gathering berries so I could make a mash for Canada. He had gotten ill, so I was trying to take care of him. When I heard this high pitched shriek, I froze. I was only physically two and scared out of my mind. The storm coupled with the fact this creature, who was triple your current size Ivan, just made my body stop working. I was about to be squished by this large creature, but then Igor attacked it from behind. The two of them fought and Igor bashed the other wendigos head with a tree stump. When Igor looked me in the eyes, I saw that somewhere in his soul he was still a human with morals. He hugged me close to his chest and carried me back home. He gathered herbs and berries for us and even brought us bison and buck meat to cook and eat. He took care of us and still does. He lives in a cave on the mountain peak in our backyard. He loves the kids, but none of the nations know of him since he's very large and would probably invoke panic. Igor has saved me more than that one time though. There was the time I was nearly burnt, I had never seen Igor so angry. He killed three men on the spot, and shrieked loudly to chase everyone away" Alfred smiled at the thought of his supernatural pet. Ivan softly petted Alfred's head and smiled.

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