Chapter Twenty: The End?

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No homework means more storytime! Let me know if you guys want me to continue this series at the end!


Alfred looked out the window of the car, tilting his head in curiosity. He knew this was the way back to his home, but his home was nothing but shambles now. His face was contorted with confusion, his nose scrunching in the most adorable way. Ivan glanced to him from the driver's seat, admiring his beloved's wrinkled nose and shimmering eyes. 

"I am sensing a bit of confusion, da?" Ivan cheekily pointed out. Alfred lightly smacked his arm.

"No shit, wise ass. I just don't understand why we are going back to the house. It was destroyed, remember? I know I've been in a coma, but I still know what I saw," Alfred retorted with a playful snarkiness. Ivan laughed.

"Not to worry sunflower. You may have seen quite a lot before you went to sleep. But a lot of time has passed, and our friends and children wanted to make sure you had a place to call home. They all care about you. Not as much as I, but they still care about you," Ivan winked and Alfred chuckled softly. He then looked to his belly.

"You think they'll be mad?" Alfred asked, gently rubbing his tummy. Ivan took Alfred's hand into his own, kissed his knuckles, and smiled at him.

"If they are, I will deal with them," Ivan's statement was pure truth. He would not allow Alfred to be hurt again. The American knew Ivan was not lying to him, so he just kissed Ivan's knuckles back and looked to the road. 

Alfred was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans and red sneakers. He wanted to keep things simple so that he could remain comfortable. He smelt of his natural musk: meadows and firewood. He did not want to use the hospital's shampoo and soap, so he simply was natural. He had a happy aura around him, making the air so gitty and warm. He had a soft smile, a true smile, that could melt even the iciest of hearts. He had built up his weight while in the coma, weighing in at 176 pounds. He finally had some muscle back, and he was able to sit on cushy cheeks as supposed to the boney butt he had when sick. 

His eyes seemed to brighten when the long gate surrounding his property came into sight. Ivan chuckled as he pulled in the driveway to reveal all their allied nations and states waiting on the front porch. Germany was holding a chocolate cake, while France was holding a plate of macarons, and Canada held a plate of his famous pancakes. Emma, Toby, Rachel, and Pamela were holding baskets of fruits and vegetables. Spain, China, and Japan were holding out various meat dishes and stews. Prussia, Denmark, Norway, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, and Iceland had a plate of burgers in each hand. Sweden and Finland were holding a banner that said "Welcome Home!" above the large group. Alfred's eyes bulged out of his skull.

"Vanya, our home is..." Alfred was in utter shock. Ivan pulled into their normal parking spot and turned off the car. He helped his lover out and was nearly tackled by Marina, Alicia, and Mali. Italy came up to America, holding Samoa in his arms.

"Ve! Welcome home, Alfredo! We-a hope you like it!" Feli cheerfully yelled, jumping with excitement. He looked at Feli then to the others, unfallen tears in his shining rare colorful eyes.

"You mean... You all rebuilt my house?" Alfred asked at the break of tears. He still didn't understand why they did this. Until Romano came up and hugged him close.

"After all you do Alfred, this is the least we could-a do. You deserve the world," Romano cupped Alfred's cheek and smiled a rare soft smile. Alfred let a tear fall down his cheek as he smiled back. Latvia snagged Alfred's hand and helped him up the stairs.

"We wanted everything to be ready for when you came home! So we worked day and night! We wanted to show you how much we care about you, Mr. America! I hope you like it!" Raivis lightly dragged Alfred to the door. Alfred held Quincy close to him and opened the door. He was in awe of the beauty before him. Ivan was just as shocked but smiled brightly as he and Alfred toured the house. An hour passed before Alfred finally sat down, winded from all the exploring. All the nations noticed the returning pudge to their little America's frame. So the fact that he was panting really worried them. France sat right in front of him and pet his cheek.

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