Chapter Seven: Fights and Forgiveness

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Just to reiterate, this is all happening at the same time as Alfred and Ivan's talk in the previous chapter!


Delaware stood in front of everybody, looking down at his crowd of siblings and the nations in the back. He saw basically all his siblings chatting or arguing, the nations doing much the same. He went to grab the airhorn when he heard a cough and looked up to see Marina. She shook her head and tilted her head to the bundle of states on the fluffy rug. He looked and saw Vivian was still shaking, and being comforted by a few of her siblings. Blair was rubbing her head and singing to her, Levi was rocking the three of them back and forth, and Ana was rubbing Viv's knuckles and shushing her softly. He knew then and there that the airhorn was not going to work. So, he did the calmest thing he could to get everybody's attention.

"Oh say can you see," he began to sing with a proud, clear, beautiful voice, "by the dawn's early light," he looked to his other siblings. Brody, Marina, Aria, Noah, Gabe, Sam, and Katie smiled.

"What's so proudly we hailed, at the twilight's first gleaming," the harmony was flawless between the group. The rest of the thirteen and a few others caught on, "Whose broad stripes and bright stars? Thru the perilous fight!" more of the kids began to sing, "O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming! And the rocket's red glare! The bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there! Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave! O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" all the states and territories (who were old enough) sang with such grace and harmony, it was hard to believe some of them were still so young. The crowd of nations looked in awe as the entire room became silent. It was so beautiful that even Feli's eyes were open and Berwald's face held a small smile.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" England whispered to Lovino, who smirked.

"It's because Mass was still panicking. Normally to get their attention he would have blown an air horn, but he didn't want to startle Vivian" Romano explained, pointing to the now calm state. England saw that she still trembled a tiny bit, but she was smiling and for the most part calm.

"Now that we got everybody's attention, we need to decide what's for dinner. Since somebody," he coughed and glared at Levi. A few of the nations and states chuckled as Connecticut blushed, "torched our supper. So, we all gotta agree on food to order! Which we all know is like asking all nations to agree on something, so impossible. You all know what that means!" David smirked and a few other states began to hype up. The nations, even the ones who were aware of what was going on, began to worry.

"Get in your troops! Pick the strongest! And they wrestle it out!" Beau (OK) loudly stated, heading to his normal pack. The normal five groups of ten formed, with the territories getting in a few chairs and grinning. The groups each sent their strongest player: Noah (PA), Brody (TX), Robert (AL), Nova (NV), and Becca (CA) all stepped forward. The nations were stunned to see two of them were girls, especially since the other three boys were so incredibly muscular. A girl stepped forward, raising her hand.

"I, Alicia Rico Jones, personification of Puerto Rico, commence this showdown! My fellow territory siblings and I will be judging! You all know the rules! No weapons, no teaming, no spitting, no biting, no cheating, no assistance, and no magic! I'm looking at you Becca!" the states all chuckled and the five siblings nodded, "now, start!"

Not even a moment passed before Nova quickly tackled Noah and put him in a chokehold. Brody quickly went to work with Robert and Becca simply stayed back smirking. When Noah finally pried Nova off he threw her in Becca's direction, but the girl simply twirled and dodged. Nova kept trying to hit her, but Becca swiftly dodged every attack with beautiful movements. It was like watching a performance before Becca finally knocked her out of the ring with a flawless backflip. Nova was out cold and was caught by Conner and Zach, who both helped her cool off.

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