Chapter Nineteen: Rebuilding America's World

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A little give away to the surprise towards the end! We're almost done, but don't worry. There is a lot more in store later!


The nations all were awaiting the results. Some were taking the wait better than others. Germany and China were exhausted, passing out not long after the others arrived. England, France, and Spain were biting their nails and fidgeting. Italy was whimpering and being comforted by Romano and Japan. Ukraine, Belarus, and Hungary were all discussing quietly what was happening and what they thought. Estonia and Latvia were busy talking to Lithuania, who was in a slight panic. Norway and Iceland were doing their best to comfort an anxious Denmark. Sweden was holding a hysterical Finland, rocking him slowly. Prussia was cradling Canada in his arms, humming to him. Russia was literally on the brink of insanity, pacing the lobby feverishly. The states all remained silent, each one in their normal cliques. Gabe began to have a panic attack, Brody quickly putting him in his lap and whispering in his ears. The mumbling was incoherent but was soothing to Gabe. Brody continued to babble comforting words.

"Ma will be fine, Gabe. He's been through worse. He'll make it. We'll have each other always, my precious Gabe. I won't ever leave you alone. I love you so much Gabe," Brody quietly confessed. Gabe began to breathe again, looking up to Brody.

"Wh-what did you say?" Gabe asked hushed. His dark gray eyes were brimming with tears, his platinum hair a messy tuff of cuteness.

"Ya heard me," Brody replied blushing. Gabe embraced him tighter as he began to calm down. The two stayed like that for a while.

"How long have you felt like that?" Gabe questioned, finally composing himself. Brody shrugged and looked at Gabe with caring eyes.

"I dunno. I awhile I suppose. I just never thought these would be the circumstances I would tell ya," Brody was a blushing mess. Gabe smiled softly and pecked his cheek.

"When this is over," Gabe said. Brody nodded and continued to hold Gabe closely. A half-hour passed and a doctor in a white lab coat came to the lobby.

"Family of Alfred Jones?" the elderly doctor yelped. All the nations and states stood up. Prussia nudged Germany awake, which in turn pushed China awake. Ivan walked up to the doctor and shook his hand.

"I'm Ivan, his husband. These are America's kids and family," Ivan gestured to the group as a whole. The doctor nodded and looked around the waiting area. Nobody else was there, so he sighed and nodded.

"Alfred put too much energy into the rescue. We have put him in a medically induced coma so he can properly rest and recharge himself. He'll be fine. We estimate he'll be asleep for maybe two to four weeks. But when he does wake up we suggest he take it easy. We will only allow one visitor, too much stimulus might awake him early," the doctor explained, "you all were extremely lucky. Next time, if there is one, he might not make it," the doctor walked off, handing a clipboard to a boney nurse.

"Since you and Mr. Jones are married, would you like to see him Ivan?" the sweet lady asked. He nodded and looked to the group.

"I will text you any updates. Please, take the kids for some breakfast," Ivan walked off quietly. They all stood in the waiting room for ten minutes before heading out, all the states and nations driving back to the remains of Alfred's once lovely abode. What they saw shattered them.

There was NOTHING left. All the house's remains were nothing but chars of woods. The fire had destroyed all of Alfred's home. Firefighters were still at the scene when they all pulled in the driveway. There was a police officer with a plastic bag in his hands. In this plastic bag were the black remnants of a blue book. The states and nations all walked up to the officer, who turned to them just as they walked in front of him. He held up the bag, seeing it closer up. Tino gasped quietly and held his mouth.

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