Chapter Five: Group Three (Final Group)

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The girl looked exactly like Russia! Her hair was platinum blonde and reached below her butt. It was done in a tight braid and looked soft and silky. She had on a pair of glasses, and her eyes were a bright blue like America's. She smiled brightly, and they saw America's smile. She was very pale and was still very young looking. She had a thin figure with minimal curves, but then again she didn't hit puberty yet. She wore a long, lavender sweater and black leggings.

"Ok, papa! I'm Anastasia Alaska Braginski-Jones and I'm the personification of Alaska. Papa and mama had me before the Civil War. In my state, we have a plentiful amount of gold mines and oil fields. Our salmon is also famous as it's naturally juicy and sweet, also they are very large. We also have a lot of glaciers, over 100,000 to be exact" she waved at the nations cutely before being nearly crushed by her older brother. He had long messy black hair and dirt on his cheek, his jade eyes glittered at the sight of the nations.

"I'm Finny Washington Jones! I am the number one producer of apples, pears, raspberries, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries! We also have Seattle, where Starbucks was founded! In the Yakima Indian Reserve, we have over 5,000 wild horses! Bill Gates and Jimi Hendrix are only a few famous people who are native to my vast land!" a girl with brown hair and pale gray eyes stepped forward, she seemed a bit shy.

"I'll go now. I'm Racheal Oregon Jones. My state has the most ghost towns in the country and is also home to the Columbia River Gorge. The gorge is very popular amongst foreign tourists as it is considered to be the best place on the planet to windsurf. We are also the only state that has an official state nut, the hazelnut" she seemed very shy, but was still smiling. A girl next to her was watching, she had straight blonde hair that was pulled into a tiny ponytail. Her eyes were a dark amber brown mix, and she was clearly in the garden at some point in the day.

"Sally Idaho Jones!" she exclaimed, waving from her seat, "hope you guys don't mind me sitting, I was in the garden all day and my legs hurt. My state is known for potatoes, but we also are known for our precious gems! For example, my land is the only place on the planet other than India that has an abundant supply of star garnets!"

"I guess I'll go now," a red headed boy with brown eyes and dimples said, "I'm Felix Utah Jones," the boy seemed pretty conservative but kept going, "I guess I've got a few things to brag about. I hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics, uh what else? I'm pretty well known for being a Mormon state, as far back as my first settlements. Um," the nations heard a facepalm and a girl walked up to him. She sniffed him and growled.

"You jackass I knew you stole my weed! Just cause it's illegal for free use in your state does NOT mean you can steal mine!" the girl yelled, a boy holding her waist to stop her from attacking.

"Oi calm down Nov! I'm sure he has a reasonable explanation! Just introduce yourself and then go pick some more! You know Becca grows the best weed and I'm sure she'll give you some of her's!" the guy said calmly, the girl grunting.

"That's not the point Conner! I tore my room apart looking for my pot! He could have at least asked!" the girl countered, but the boy gave her a cocked eyebrow. The girl grunted and straightened herself out. She had wild brown hair and deep navy eyes, with a tan that could melt the polar ice caps, "sorry for the outburst. I'm Nova Nevada Jones, and we are basically just known for Area 51 and Las Vegas. Other than that, most of my land is a barren desert, aside from a few small towns and weird art pieces in the middle of nowhere" the boy nodded and smiled. He had the same messy brown mop of hair, but his eyes were emerald green and he almost looked like Spain.

"I'm Conner Arizona Jones. My state is known for the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and chimichangas. I have a very heavy Mexican influence and speak Spanish when angry. Also, please as you can tell, don't touch anybody's cannabis or CBD without permission. Some people get to worked up," he shot a glare at Nevada, who huffed. Another boy came up and hugged her playfully. He had reddish brown hair and piercing hazel eyes. His skin was fairly light, but he also kind of looked like Spain.

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