Chapter Ten: Memories

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Once again this one is long and some things might be triggering. This chapter shows Alfred's memories of the Witch Trials and Las Vegas Massacre. But don't worry, there's a more light-hearted memory at the end. Sorry if this chapter triggers anything. 


Ivan soon returned to the living room holding a small marble. The other nations looked at it curiously, some tilting their heads. Norway, however, frowned upon the sight of the smooth round object. He knew what it was, and wondered where Ivan had retrieved it from. Ivan sat down on the couch and still played with the marble, marveling at it.

"Is Mr. America alright?" Eduard asked, adjusting his glasses. The silence in the room was still thick. Ivan nodded to Estonia, still clutching the marble.

"What is that, aru?" Yao asked curiously. The awkward silence was suffocating the nations so China's question at least led to conversing. Ivan simply shrugged.

"When I laid Fredka to bed it appeared on the nightstand. I do not know what it is or why it just appeared," Ivan explained. Lukas stood up and held out his hand softly as to not seem bossy. Ivan gently placed the weird object into the other's smaller hand and Lukas examined it.

"It's a memory orb. Magical artifacts that allow people to look into another's memories. I haven't seen one in ages, this must be the work of Catori," he explained, many nations jumping when Native America was mentioned. They all stared at the strange marble more before it radiated a white ripple and the world dissolved into darkness. The nations looked around frantically and began to worry. That was until Catori stepped from the darkness.

"Catori, what is the meaning of this?" Arthur asked frightened. She looked at the nations with sympathy before bowing her head.

"I want you to see some memories first hand. Not all will be bad or harmful, but I just need you all to physically see what Maska saw. I will play other memories as well, but the first flashback will be what Maska was seeing with his blank eyes," Catori faded as the scenery began to change.

The nations looked around to see what was no doubt a time long ago, the clothing and buildings were proof. The town was bustling with noise. The other nations looked to see a familiar blonde cowlick in the distance coming out of a shop.

"Thank you! Have a wonderful day!" the young America yelped, "I really hope Miss. Harper likes the cake I'm going to make her! She's been so nice lately," Alfred was smiling brightly like the child he was. His eyes were still closed when he felt a rock tip his shoe. The newly bought pan landed a few feet away as America's ungodly strength was being restrained. America still stood on his feet and ran to pick up the pan, dusting it off and blowing on it. He inspected it and smiled, "good, no dents. I wouldn't want the cake to look funny," Alfred began to walk back home, unaware of the elderly men watching him. 

The nations noticed them though and got a feeling in the pits of their stomachs.

The scene changed and America just finished baking the cake. He used a rag to pull the cake out from the fire pit and put it on the table to cool. He then heard a loud knocking at the door, curious he got down from the stool and opened the door.

"There he is! The warlock!" one woman shouted. Alfred looked around confused and began to shake.

"Wh-what is going on?" he asked scared. A large elderly man snatched Alfred by his collar and dragged him off to the courthouse. Once inside he was sat on a chair and had his hands tied together. Many people shouted at him, and Alfred's only began to shake more.

"Alfred Kirkland, you have been accused of witchcraft! What is your plea?" the same elderly man shouted.

"I did not do anything wrong sir! I am innocent! I can swear in the name of God!" Alfred shouted back, still in tears. The townsfolk began to shout against him, making Alfred quiver. A loud bang was heard from the judges stand and the room went silent. Alfred looked up at the elderly man with fear and agony etched into his features.

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