Chapter Four: Group Two

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"I guess I can," a boy stood up and smiled shyly. He had on a black sweatshirt and was very pale. He had baby blue eyes and shaggy black hair, with a tattoo on his collarbone saying 'Lobster Fest, No Regrets' He waved to the strangers, "I'm Toby Maine Jones. My state is famous for our blueberries and of course," he gestured to his tattoo, "our lobsters. We also invented the donut hole, and I'm the only state to share my border with a single state"

"I'll go next then!" a girl who looked a lot like Virginia yelped, "I'm Katt West Jones! No the name between me and my sister was not intentional. I broke away from Virginia during the Civil War, which is why I look like her. My state is famous for our scenic routes and our plethora of Civil War history. Though it's a sensitive topic and if any of you mention it I'll gut you like a fish" the girl's face turned dark, making everyone gulp.

"I'm up then," a boy stood up, having brown eyes and strawberry blonde locks, "I'm Trevor Michigan Jones! I have Detroit, which is known as the car capital of the world! I am also known for having a lot of magic supplies shops and being bordered by four of the five Great Lakes!" he looked next to him to see his brother shaking a bit. The boy was fiddling with his fingers and biting his lips. He had curly blonde hair and freckled cheeks. Alfred noticed this and nodded to Michigan, "this here is Miles Indiana Jones, and he's my 'rival' He doesn't speak up much unless you challenge him to a race. He's famous for the Indianapolis 500, the greatest car race in America. The Indianapolis Speedway is very large, it can even fit all of Vatican City inside it! Me and Indiana are car junkies, and you'll find that building them is our favorite pastime"

"My turn, my turn!" a young boy jumped. He had a blonde buzzcut and deep amber eyes, "my name is Justin Ohio Jones! I'm pretty much famous for anything tying to the sky! The Wright brothers were natives to my land! Niel Armstrong and John Glenn, the famous astronauts, are also Ohio natives! We also have the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame!" the boy had a guitar pic behind his ear, so they countries guessed he was the one playing the guitar in the music room before being called to the movie room.

"Have that rock 'n roll junkyard clash you call music, it ain't as sweet as my lovely country music!" a sweet chuckle was heard, and a girl with curly red hair stood up. She had bright green eyes, and her lush curly locks reached her butt, "Nice to meet ya folks! I'm Valerie Tennesse Jones! Home to Nashville, the country music capital of the world! We also invented Bluegrass, and are known for our sweet homestyle barbeque!" Ohio grunted at her.

"You mean that hillbilly shit? That isn't music, it's not even worthy to be called noise. What feelings do you get when you hear some sappy guitar plucking compared to the hardcore riff of an electric guitar solo?" the other states stepped aside as the very angry redhead stormed up to the boy.

"Would you mind repeatin yourself?"

"You heard me tootsie, I don't need to repeat myself on how your music is absolute trash" the boy replied coyly. Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose, and the other nations just watched as Valerie's face went red.

"Excuse me but country music is NOT hillbilly shit! And for your information some of the most patriotic songs we sing on pa's birthday are country! If you think 'God Bless the USA' 'Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue' and 'American Soldier' is just trash noise I'll bash my guitar over your empty skull!" the two were butting foreheads, the other nation began to panic. Ivan held out a hand, telling them to wait. Just as he did, a boy with large muscles snatched both of them by the hems of their shirts. The boy had curly red hair and freckles, but also had deep amber eyes.

"You two knock it off! We have guests remember! You can settle your music differences on your own terms!" the boy's voice was gruff and deep, making the other two shake their heads. The boy then released them and sighed, "once again, I'm sorry for them. I'm Robert Alabama Jones. My state proudly holds the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center and is the rocket capital of the world. Our main product is iron and steel pipe products. Also our southern cooking is quite good, and I swear Jenny is you sing it-" he glared at the girl sitting next to him, and couldn't even finish his threat before.

"SWEET HOME ALABAMA! WHERE THE SKY'S ARE SO BLUE! SWEET HOME ALABAMA! LORD, I'M COMING HOME TO YOU!" a girl with two brown ponytails and hazel eyes sang loudly. This caused the boy to sigh in regret. The girl giggled cutely, "sorry Bobby. I had to!" this earned a few snickers from the other states and Alfred. The girl smiled at the nations and stuck up her hand to wave, "I'm Jenny Mississippi Jones. My state invented the music known as the blues. We also have some great soul food there. My state is famous simply because of how hard it is to spell, so it's often used in spelling bees for children"

Another crash was heard, and all the nations looked at Alfred. Romano came in with American Samoa in his arms, looking tired.

"Are you almost done? Gabe, Brody, and Noah are all fighting over the football game and they show no signs of letting up" Lovino's hair was tugged at by the baby, making the nation wince in pain, "ow! Quincy stop doing that!" Lovino scolded and Tino walked in. He gently grabbed Quincy from the annoyed Italian and walked off, "thanks Tino!"

"No problem Lovi!" the nations heard Finland yell down the hall.

"Who's playing?" Alfred asked with a tilted head.

"Giants and the Eagles. The Eagles are winning," Romano added, making Alfred facepalm. He knew Brody only got involved because he was defending Gabe. Noah was known to be crazy when it came to football season.

"Everybody who introduced themselves may leave. Robert and Trevor, please make sure your older brothers don't break anything else. Justin, you clean whatever they just broke up so the kids don't get hurt. Val, keep the little ones away from the sports room" all the group nodded and walked out. The group of children was still very large, and America simply rubbed his head.

"I'll go get you an Aleve sunflower, be right back," Ivan said kissing his temple and walking out. He returned a few minutes later with a glass of ice water and two blue capsules. America took them and smiled.

"Thank you, Vanya. That was very kind of you," Alfred said, kissing Ivan's lips. Ivan chuckled and then looked at the crowd.

"Why don't you go, next sweetheart?" Ivan asked a girl in the front, who looked up from her book. The nations were shocked.

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