They call it depression, sinking into a black hole with no end in sight.
Take some pills, go to therapy, still no end, can't find the light.
Hopeless yet hopeful and when the fake smile becomes too much effort you will blindly blame physical pain, it's easier than talking about your feelings.
Family blaming themselves while you blame yourself for doing something wrong.
Maybe I'm just a perfectionist but not so much now his darkness has surrounded me so don't expect me to wear makeup when it's hard to just move an inch out of my bed.
Don't expect me to look perfect when I know deep down perfection doesn't exist yet sometimes I still strive for it.
It's effort to simply survive with this quality of life and my responsibility's are smothering me. Please pull the rug from underneath me, begging to do it myself yet I can't find a motivation to move, or smile, or breathe.
Poems on a dark night 🖤
PoetryPoems. Mostly written at night. Inspired by some of life's biggest tragedy's or questions. Just trying to make art out of my thoughts and I would really appreciate any reads and votes this book may get. 🌸🥀🌹👠🌴🍃🌻🌼🌞🌚🖤👽💀👻🤘🏼