Give me no credit for trying to save you, i couldn't even save myself.

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I think I fell for you when I saw the dullness in your eyes, I wanted to fix you.
I think I fell for you when I heard your voice for I wanted to give life to it again.
You are dearly innocent but I want to wrap you in deep passion if we never reach the stage of love, and if we never do then darling you were worth the risk.
So I try to impress you even though deep down I wish you would take me for who I am.
I try to make myself seem worth while even though I don't deserve you, didn't deserve you.
I should stop kidding myself as it's only for my own good.
You are far too precious to have a broken heart but please know that I have good intentions,
My friend talks about you.
Says you phone for hours a night and here I am scared to start the conversation first.
I hoped you could tell by the fire in my eyes for its more than a deep desire to feel like I belong.
You see I want to feel appreciated, yes but I only want to be appreciated by you,
For all I do is for you but everything you do is for her.
I feel used, dirty, old, worn out, worthless...
Ashamed that I ever liked, possibly loved, a person who doesn't like me back.
A guy reminding me that I could be cursed.
You like my best friend and she says she only agreed to going out to stop feeling sorry for you.
I guess love blinds you and makes you deaf, numbs all your senses vital for life as you can't hear my silent gestures like that look in my eyes when I see you or the sudden happiness in my tone when you decide it's worth your time to talk to me.
I am cursed and that is my everlasting consequence of falling in love.
You like my friend and she knew i liked you!
I guess I always fade into the background around my friends.
I am the unlucky one never getting what I want and being used in a higherarchy where i always feel like the rotting trash everyone forgets about, eventually.

Poems on a dark night 🖤Where stories live. Discover now