I got a tattoo of a rose
Some people may ask why
I fell for such a cliché idea when I'm so unique in my waking life
You see this rose will never die
It will never fall out of love
Just like you never said you would because we were so so so in love
So in love you didn't want to tell anyone
So I fought backIt's the same colour as the one you gave me
Black and white
Non existent
I begged and begged for flowers
Or something to show your love
Something more than empty promises and overused I love you's
Sweet nothings whispered In my ear after I gave in and gave you what you wanted
But the rose stands determined and strong
Permanent on my skin
It is a reminder that I will never give up
Looking for something deeper that that roots of the flower
A deeper connection
Even if ours was a lie
Poems on a dark night 🖤
PoesiaPoems. Mostly written at night. Inspired by some of life's biggest tragedy's or questions. Just trying to make art out of my thoughts and I would really appreciate any reads and votes this book may get. 🌸🥀🌹👠🌴🍃🌻🌼🌞🌚🖤👽💀👻🤘🏼