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Love is a red heart emoji
Love is some fleeting thing
Love is a story to tell your grandparents in hopes they will find the same thing
Love isn't a single person or a special place
For many places can feel like home away from home and many people can give you a warm feeling like them causing trouble in your life could all come full circle to be worthwhile

It may not be a lover
It may not be a family member either
It may not be a same kind of love
And It may not be reciprocated
That is just the harsh truth

Maybe it hurts
Maybe it fills you with hope
Maybe it's the reason you let someone walk all over you because the floor will be replaced next week anyway
By that I mean, you believe telling yourself you love him, her or them will grow you thicker skin
You say the damage already done wouldn't have been worth it if I end what we have after the good and bad places I've been.

I'll say it again, love isn't always reciprocated
Love isn't always painless
It's definitely not perfect
It couldn't be described
What is love?
That must be a trick question
Love is different for every person and how to know if your in love well the answers you find to that question will often be questionable
Do you let them walk all over you for you cannot let your soulmate and one shot at happiness go
Or do you tell yourself you just have bad luck and life didn't give you someone else you could be
Someone else you could hold as if you are two puzzle pieces combined
Someone else to be cliché with
You tell yourself life didn't give you someone else to buy roses for and tell how special they are all night
Life is missing one special soulmate
And that is yours
But honey maybe your not looking hard enough or your looking too hard
Love it can be unexpected
It makes you irrational
And you fall hard

This sounds contradicting
I'm sorry
I was never good at giving advice
All I know is earth is missing mine, and only mine. I have no special person that I'm supposed to hold all night.

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