I Woke Up

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And looked at my alarm. 8:30 A.M.

"Oh Shit! Ms Kell is gonna kick my ass!"

I leapt out of bed and took a sprint to the shower.

As I washed myself I tried to think of a good excuse for being late only for the 10th time this semester!

"Sorry Ms Kell, I was late because I stayed up all night thinking of punching you in the face."

If I skip breakfast and just take $10 for a large lunch I could probably make it.

I beat Usain Bolt's world record as I ran to school and got in the classroom just as the bell rang. I was so tired I was wheezing.

Ms Kell: Y/N, you are just in time to give in your homework.

Ms Kell had the dirtiest smirk, but little did she know, I was about to slap it right off her bitchy little face.

"Oh yes, the Student Choice Math? Yes if you take time to read mine you will notice it is on Hurkyl. It took me quite some time last night which was why I was nearly late to class."

It wasn't why I was nearly late, I was busy doing hand excercises and lost track of time. I was studying Hurkyl all week and I finished two days ago, it was tiring but to see Ms Kell get pissed was a delight.

Her shit-eating smile slowly turned into a unpleased frown and she turned around and collected everyone else's studies.

Mark: Damn, did you see the look on her face Y/N! She practically had a heart attack! Why were you so late?

"I was doing hand excercises to that stuff you showed me, not gonna lie, anthro monster girls are quite nice.

Mark: Oh yeah, that stuff is endless. There is just too wide a fanbase for it to end. Anyway, while you were sleeping, Liam is saying he is going to wait for you at the end of class and "give you what you deserve for last week "

"Fine, I'll just break his nose again. Like I did last week."

Ms Kell: Are you quite finished, Y/N? Or are you still busy having a nice little chat with Mark?

"I wasn't finished but we could postpone our conversation for later, Ms Kell."

Ms Kell: through clenched teeth "Thank You, Mr L/N."

Ms Kell turned around and returned to her blackboard.

Mark: whispers "It's so funny when you piss her off!"

"It's a joy to do, nothing could feel better"


Me and Mark quickly faced the front and started working.


It was recess, and Mark wasn't wrong, Liam was waiting with his gang if extra chromos.

Liam: "Hey Dickhead, I'm gonna get you back for that lucky suckerpunch you got on me."

"Are you sure you wanna try? Your nose still hasn't healed from when I got an easy jab to your ugly face."

Liam walked up to me and attempted a slow right hook. I was able to move out of the way but I then felt a sharp pain in my left hip.

The fucker had pulled out a knife and stabbed me.

"What the actual fuck?!"

Liam: "Now it's gonna be your face."

He swiped towards my face and I learnt back, punched him in the gut and shoved him backwards. I started running.

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