😶 ~ Lemon Chapter ~ 😶

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Slenda: "Actually, leave that for now. Let's get straight to the stuff that makes it nice. Put this on."

She passed me a blindfold.


I saw her mouth and eyes appear as I was lifting the blindfold to my face.

I heard her giggle as I put in on.

Slenda: "Right now, I am holding a grain of Devilwheat, take it but do NOT eat it."

She passed me the grain of Devilwheat, it was small and pointy.

"Why can't I eat it?"

Slenda: "There is only one substance to exist that can make a Devilwheat edible, it is what I use in my porridge."

"What is it?"

Slenda: "I am holding a rubber bottle, drink from it. Do not pull it please. It is fragile."

I felt around for it and carefully grabbed it, I put my mouth to it and drank from it.

I heard Slenda make a noise, as if she was preparing for a sneeze.

It was amazing.

"That is the stuff that makes your porridge perfect!"

Slenda giggled.

Slenda: "Just so you know, we are in the privacy room. I don't want anyone else seeing the recipe."

"Ok, fair enough. Can I have more of this?"

Slenda: "Of course you can, be gentle though, it is fragile."

"I thought it was rubber?"

I kept on drinking and Slenda made a noise again.

"Are you okay?"

Slenda: "Y-Yes. Take off your blindfold, if you want to."

I took off the blindfold and had a mini heart attack.

Slenda was naked except for an apron with the words:

"Kiss the Cook!"

Her breasts were out and I was holding onto one and drinking from it.

She smiled.

Slenda: "Well? What do you think?"

I was mortified.


Slenda: "Lost for words?"

"... I have been drinking your breast milk for the last four days?"

Slenda: "Yes. It is the only substance that can moisturise Devilwheat. Do you want some more?"

She smiled and moved towards me.


Slenda: defensively "Do not yell at me, you said it tasted amazing and it pleasures me to make it. It also obviously pleasures you to drink it."

"After this, what do you expect to happen?"

She smiled.

Slenda: "I expect you to keep enjoying the breakfast I make for you. If you do not there is another option."

"I think I choose the other option. What is it?"

Slenda: "You pleasure me for today, and you get to make your own breakfast forever.

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