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Some people have already started reading! Thank you so much, I didn't expect that in just a few days!

(From when I'm making this.)

As you know a new person will be joining us, Laughing Jill, so her description will be at the end of this update chapter.

Posting Times

I have been incredibly lucky and started this "piece" in the middle of my holidays, so I have been able to post at least one chapter a day! This may change though.

The speed I am writing and posting at will probably slow down, I may start a new piece of writing while continuing this and after the holidays I will have to face exams so I might be silent for a few months. If you are worried, just send me a message!

I am leaving a few chapters gap between posting a chapter and creating one, so that if I am silent I can still update without having to write.

(By the time I have published this I have probably made an official posting time in the first chapter)

Onto The New Arrival!

Jill, the "Funny" one of the mansion. She accidentally left the mansion and returned thanks to you and Slenda! She was spying on Zalga for Slenda, and has come back with some important info!

Jill was created by an angel (Not the Angel we know, just a random holy being) as an embodiment of imagination for children all around the world.

Jill appeared for any child who needed her, someone who needed a friend or someone to talk to.

She learned that most of the children that needed her were abused and slowly grew mad, disgusted at the actions of the parents.

Jill had witnessed so many children abused and snapped, she killed all the parents of the children she was once a friend to, she haunted the imagination of parents and then used her powers to turn herself into a physical form.

She liked to be original in her killings and never killed two people the same way. She has many abilities as she literally is imagination, rendering her almost invincible.

Jill has black hair, black eyes and a long cone shaped and striped nose. She wears a black spotted white floral dress with white sleeves and black gloves, a black skirt and leggings as well as pointy black shoes.

She is a good friend of Nurse Ann, Tails and Angel. she has an ongoing prank war with Benny. Jane likes her when Jill is not annoying her.

That's Jill for ya! Hope you are enjoying this, have any ideas? Drop a comment in this chapter!

(P.S. Rank #14 TailsDoll tag out of 120 as I am writing this! Whoop Whoop!)

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