How Do I Do This?

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Slenda: "I don't know, you should be able to open it just by trying normally."

I opened the latch, it was surprisingly heavy.

Slenda: "Well done. Now push open the door."

I started to try pushing open the door.

It wouldn't budge, I started pushing into the door with strength, it just stayed put. I nearly gave up until it started to give way.

I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!

The door was moving, slowly but surely.

Fucking hell this is heavy!

Slenda was getting excited.

Slenda: "It's okay! You can do it!"

The door slowly got lighter, after a few minutes I got it fully open.

Slenda: "Well done, it seems I was correct."

breathing heavily "That was so heavy, but shouldn't I have energy?"

Slenda: "You leeched off of the power of the door and gained more strength and stamina. You used all the energy and more you got from that door."

breathing heavily "Neat. Should we get Jill?"

Slenda: "Oh yes, let's go."

I walked outside and there was a front garden and two flowerbeds, placed symettrically at each side.

Slenda: "Try and follow my exact and every step. We don't want you setting an alarm and waking up the Rakes."

I obliged and attempted to copy her every step.

"What exactly is a Rake? The type you keep here?"

Slenda: "They are mindless beings, created to serve and protect. They act much like the "guard dogs" you have on Earth. I let them hibernate from time to time, I don't want them getting cranky."

There was a small tunnel leading to light. I assumed that was the "Limbo" area.

Slenda: "Jill should be on the other side, if all has gone well."

We walked through and I saw a girl in black and white with a cone shaped nose.

It's kinda big.

Slenda hit me on the back of the head.


Slenda: to me "Hush, don't point that out to her." aloud "Hello Jill, I assume you have learned quite a bit?"

Jill: "Yes, who's the cutie?"

Slenda: "This is Y/N, he is new. He just arrived unconscious 4 days ago and woke up two days ago."

I waved and smiled.

"Hi, I have heard about what you did to Benny, and frankly... I find it hilarious!"

Jill: "Yes, we had a little prank war going on before I fell through that damn hole."

Slenda: "I am incredibly sorry about that, I have fixed it and hope you will consider coming back?"

Jill looked sad for a second.

Jill: sarcastically "Oh, I don't know... I mean..."

Slenda frowned.

Slenda: "I understand..."

Jill: "I AM JOKING! It's not like I have anywhere else to go! Honestly, that was blatant."

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