🎮 ~ Lemon Chapter ~ 😇

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"Tails? You okay?"

???: "Think again, bitch!"

That wasn't Tails.

I looked over and saw a girl in... Lingerie?

She turned around and I recognized her instantly.

"Benny? What the fuck was that all about?"

Benny: "Isn't it obvious?"

She looked almost... Drunk?

Angel: "Benny? Are you alright?"

Benny: confused "Angel? The fuck are you doing here?"

Angel: "Y/N owed me a favour."

Benny: "Whatever. Anyway, Y/N!

We both know we want each other.

What are you waiting for?"

She opened her arms out and exposed her body, the lingerie was see-through and exposed areas that should not have been exposed.

Angel: "..."


Benny: "We both know that you like me, the raging boner you got when you saw me at the swimming pool, th-"

"Morning Wood!"

Benny just ignored me.

Benny: "You acting the hero to try an impress me!"

"Slenda told me to!"

Benny: "And because I kissed you in Kiss Or Dare you wanted another shot and gave me CPR!

Yeah, I know about that!"

"Slenda would have ended my life if I let you die!"

Benny: "I'm a fucking video-game character.

I cannot die."

"My virus turns people back human!

How do you think Tails got pregnant?"

Angel: "Actually, Benny is right...

If she died, even if she was slightly human at the time, she would... "Respawn" in her game in her room and be perfectly fine.

It is like the game is filling a Benny shaped hole that is missing when she dies."

"So I didn't need to give Benny CPR?"

Benny: "No. The girls wanted to see if you were willing to kiss me on your own accord."

She walked closer and pushed me over onto my back, she stood over me, she bent over until her face was almost touching mine.

Benny: "And you, lover-boy.

Did. Just. That."

worried "That doesn't mean anything!"

Benny: "Oh really? What about this?"

"What about wh-? Mmph!"

She planted her face onto mine and kissed me, she explored my mouth with her tongue.

Angel: quietly "Oh my..."

After a few seconds we separated, a thin string of saliva connected us.

Benny giggled.

Benny: "It's funny, you are denying these feelings but I didn't feel you fighting that kiss."

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