A Loud Banging Noise Woke Me Up

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I fell out of bed and scrambled across the floor, the banging noise continued.

It sounded like a cymbal but without the reverberations.

groggily "What the fuck?!"

I looked up and saw Slenda hitting a spoon off of a large metal pan.

Slenda: "Time to wake up."

"What's with the pan?!"

Slenda: "You have annoyed me so now you get special treatment.

I have also changed your punishment.

Instead of revoking your food you now have to do everything yourself unless someone offers to do it for you."

"Cool. How long have I been asleep?"

Slenda: "You missed dinner.

Please go make yourself breakfast and collect your laundry."


How mad on a scale of one to ten do you feel towards me?"

Slenda: "A lot less than I originally was, but still annoyed."

"So a five?"

Slenda: "A nine."


Slenda teleported out and I grabbed my laundry and put on some clothes.

I walked downstairs and made myself breakfast, Slenda was in the kitchen and didn't turn to me or greet me.

"How's Nurse Ann getting on with Zero?

Any progress?"

She continued to ignore me.

"Very mature for a demon of all sins."

Slenda: defensively "I am annoyed.

I am allowed to ignore you."

quietly "You're allowed a lot of things apparently."

Slenda: surprised "You... H-heard that?"

"Yep. And can I just say, I'm flattered."

Slenda blushed and I walked out of the kitchen with a smirk on my face.

Jill: "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing, just feel happy."

Jill: "Well you're about to feel a lot happier!

After lunch we're all gonna play Kiss or Dare!

I can join in and Slenda will be in from the start!"

unenthusiastically "Lovely."

She smiled and the girls also smirked, something was going on.

I finished my breakfast and walked upstairs, I was looking for Nurse Ann.

"Ann? When is my next... Lesson?"

Something tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Nurse Ann.

Nurse Ann: "Now. But we will not be doing normal procedures.

We have a slight problem.

Please follow me."

We walked to the ward and Zero was sitting up but still strapped in.

"What is the problem?"

Zero: "I'll talk if I get to play Kiss or Dare and C-Dubs is there.

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