I Sat Down

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And waited for the girls to arrive.

Slenda: "Where are Tails and Angel? I know that Jane and Benny are annoying each other and Nurse Ann will be down soon but I haven't seen Tails or Angel for an hour. I'll go check on them."

Slenda got up from her seat.

Me and Jill: "No!"

Slenda looked at us.

"Angel is having a shower, she didn't want to be disturbed."

Jill: "And Tails is coming down in a minute."

Slenda: suspiciously "That is fine, I assume she will be down soon."

Benny and Jane ran down the stairs and Tails walked after them.

Tails didn't look happy. I assume she may have went to her room and triggered the trap.

"You okay, Tails?"

Tails: "I was sick this morning and then I was fine and now my head hurts."

Slenda: "Have something to eat, I'm sure it will help. Angel has been a while. I'll go get her."

Instead of teleporting she just walked upstairs.


to Jill "How well does Slenda take pranks?"

Jill: "Mostly quite well. Unless flash photography is used. She hates incredibly bright lights."

"So we are safe then?"

Jill: "Yeah, I didn't put in anything that could make a bright light so it's fine.

She will just laugh it off, guaranteed. I pissed her off once and it wasn't good."

Benny: "What did you do?

"Nothing, we just put down boobie traps in a few places."

Benny: "Where? Is it fire? Spikes? A pit?"

"What the fuck, no! Why are all of your "pranks" lethal?"

Benny just shrugged.

Slenda teleported back with Angel, Angel was wearing only a towel.

She had a frown on and she wouldn't look at me or Jill.

Slenda vanished then returned with Nurse Ann.

Slenda: "Now that we are all here I shall get dinner!"

Slenda came out with shiny food.

Slenda: "Oh yes, that reminds me. Y/N, tomorrow you can have your reward. I will tell you what is in the porridge I make that you enjoy so much, only me Jackie know the secret so far."

I looked at Jackie and she nodded.

Jackie: "I have a special diet so I know everything that Slenda puts in her food."

"I'm actually kind of excited!"

Benny: "You know you won't be able to make it after she tells you, right?"

"Yeah, but still. It's nice to know what I'm eating."

Slenda: "Even after I tell you I can guarantee you would still eat it."

Jackie: to self "I wouldn't count on that."

That wasn't reassuring

"Why? It's not weird is it?"

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