My Head Started To Ache

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I woke up with Angel still hugging me, my head was pounding.

groggily "Hey, Angel, wake up please."

Angel: "Just 5 more... Hours?"

"No, I need to get up. Slenda might be back, don't you want to show her the surprise?"

Angel: "Oh yes!"

She shot up and ran out the door.

I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Fucking hell, I'm not opening two doors in one day again."

I walked out then downstairs and saw everyone having dinner.

Slenda: "Good evening, Y/N. Enjoy your sleep?"

"Yes. Enjoy your... Whatever you did?"

She smiled.

Slenda: "Yes, it was very fun! I would love to do that again!

CW blushed a little and continued eating her food.

I sat down and filled my plate.

"Did I miss anything while I was asleep?"

Benny: "Other than Tails crying because she spilled a cup of water, no."

Jill and Benny laughed.

Tails: defensively "Hey! I had just filled it up and I was thirsty!"

"Emotional, huh?"

She smiled and nodded then held up two fingers.

Tails: "Days away!"

Jill: "'Till what?"

to self  "'Till my life ends with a tendril to the throat."

Slenda: "Hmm?"

"Good food. Why don't you teach anyone how to cook? We could do it while you are away like you were today."

The girls stopped and looked at Slenda to see her answer, or probably to see if she would rip my face off.

Slenda: "That could be a good idea... That would give me more private time with Clo- Myself..."

Jill: mouths "Masturbating."

Slenda hit her on the back of the head.

She really enjoys doing that...

Everyone finished eating and I followed Nurse Ann.

"Should we get Zero out of the ward now? Or at least show Slenda?"

Nurse Ann: "Probably... Go wait up there and I will get everyone else."

I walked upstairs to the Ward and opened the door.

"Alice? You awake?"

Zero: "She isn't here right now, it's Zero."

"But... You're using her body, voice and life to exist..."

Zero: "Let me out and I can prove I'm fully independent when I rip out your lungs."

"How about... no?"

I walked over to her bed and saw her struggling to get out.

"There is no use, just let Alice take control and make Slenda happy."

Zero: sarcastically "Oh, goody. Mom's here? You'll never guess what's in her porridge!"

"Please don't bring that up, I already know."

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