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3rd person POV

7:46 pm

-Everything, ready- Franny came from inside the van with a marshmallow bag -We're only missing the fire.-

-I got this- [Y/N] said, standing from where she was standing and walking to a pile of logs that were on the floor

Both teenagers and Franny were waiting for the fathers to come back, while preparing everything for making smores. Lewis and Michael went searching for some firewood a couple minutes ago.

The girl took a pair of sticks and started rubbing them together, but nothing was really happening since she didn't actually knew how to make a fire. She tried again and again, but nothing seemed to work.

-Oh shit...- she whispered, as the sticks fell to the ground

Wilbur was watching everything a few meters from there, wishing he could somehow help the girl. His mom, watching the scene from next to him.

-Go help her- Franny said, scaring Wilbur a little bit -I know you want to.-

The boy walked to where [Y/N] was and sat next to her, without saying a word. She noticed her, but instead of asking for help, his presence made her want to prove even more that she was perfectly capable of making a fire.

-Need some help?- Wilbur asked. The girl was surprised by his attitude, instead of sounding annoyed, he spoke in a kind and friendly voice. She nodded. -Can you pass me that rock?-

[Y/N] did everything he asked her to and helped in what she could, all of this without saying a speaking. Usually, Wilbur would help only if his mom orthered him, but this time he was actually being nice to her. She couldn't help but wonder 'Why?' 

The fire was done and now they were both sitting in some logs around it, without saying a word. Wilbur was looking at the sky, while [Y/N] was looking at him.

-Why?- the [H/c] haired girl asked curious, cutting the silence 

-Why what?- the boy asked wothout looking at her, even though he already knew what she was talking about

-Why did you help me?- Wilbur turned to face her for a few seconds, then looked away again and sighed

-Because you looked pathetic.- he picked a stick from the floor and started drawing something in the ground. The girl got up and standed over his drawing, causing him to look up at her. -Hey!-

-That's not the reason- she answered, arms crossed -If that was the reason, you would have let me look pathetic and made fun of me in silence. Or do you not want me to look pathetic?-

-Well, maybe...- he standed and looked down at her (since he was a few centimeters taller than her) -Just maybe, I don't hate you as much as I thought- He walked away to help the adults, who were coming back with some wood.

-That answer is enough- she walked away too -For now-

3rd person POV

8:04 pm

-Smore time!- [Y/N] yelled while unpacking a box of chocolate cookies from her bag

Everyone was sitting near the fire, roasting a marshmallow and the girl put the cookie box on the floor so that everyone could take one. Everything was fine. Everything except Wilbur, who was not a cooking type of person, and couldn't pu his marshmallow (burned, by the way) on the cookie.

-Aw, look who is pathetic now- the girl said in a quiet voice, enough for Wilbur to hear since he was next to her. He rolled his eyes as she laughed. -Here, let me help you.-

The girl took Wilbur's cookie and (after throwing the burned one away) put her marshmallow in it. She gave it to him.

-Thanks...- the boy said, for then bitting his smore -It's delicious-

-No problem.- the girl answered while a kind smile formed on her lips

-Sorry for calling you pathetic earlier...- the boy apologized -And for saying I hate you. I don't-

-You said what?- Franny asked, in a kind of mad voice

-No, no. It's ok- that changed his mother's expresion to a calmer one -I guess now both of us are pathetic. And I don't hate you either-

Both teenagers laughed. The girl looked at his dad, who was looking at her as if saying 'thankyou'.

𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now