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Stolen Kisses

Third Person POV

-Ok, I'm sorry but I need to know- [Y/N] paused the movie -Why do you keep staring at me like that? It's freaking me out-

-That's an excellent question- [Y/N] giggled at the answer -Okey, wanna know why?-


-Close your eyes then

[Y/N] did what Wilbur ordered and closed her eyes. After a few seconds of doubt, Wilbur sighed; he gently took her by the chin and leaned towards her. He closed his eyes as well, softly connecting his lips to hers, as she inmediatly melted into his arms and he tightened his grip. [Y/N] broke the kiss and Wilbur looked away, both blushing.

-I'm sorry, I shouldn't...

Before he could finish his sentence, [Y/N] kissed him again. Stronger this time,  ruffling his hair as he attached her to his body. She had never had such a feeling of love and happiness, she felt safe in Wilbur's arms.

On the other hand, Wilbur has never been so nervous in his whole life.  Of course he was happy, [Y/N] was the first girl he has ever loved. He was afraid he would ruin everything, he was afraid she'll change her mind, but with the passage of time he felt more calmed.

They broke the kiss, their smiles couldn't be bigger. They said nothing, there was no need. [Y/N] resumed the film and they watched it, with some cuddles in between.

-Wilbur!- both teenagers heard from downstairs, it was Franny -Michael is here, [Y/N] has to go-

-Do you really have to?- Wilbur looked at the hour, it was 9:30 -It's not that late-

-I know, but dad's waiting

Wilbur sighed but nodded, they both came out of the room and went downstairs hoping that somehow time would slow down; of course it didn't happen. [Y/N] had already said goodbye to the Robinsons and now they were both standing under the door, neither wanted to split.

-Thank's for inviting me, I had a really good time- said [Y/N], nerviously scratching her arm

-Me too, I hope we can do it again soon

After a few seconds of tension, [Y / N] kissed Wilbur on the cheek, he was not expecting this. She began to walk away, waving goodbye. He did the same.

-How was your day, did you enjoyed it?- Goob asked while [Y/N] entered the car

-I loved it- she answered, looking at Wilbur through the window, who was still standing at the door waiting for [Y/N] to leave


I know it's short, I didn't want to mix it with another part. Next one will be larger, I promise


𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now