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8:30 am

Beep beep beep be...

I woke up after hearing a super annoying noise, I looked around to where could it be coming from, and I saw Wilbur turning what seemed like his phone off, and started unpacking some clothes.

-What is this all about? Isn't it too early?- I asked him, still sleepy. I looked around the room and it only seemed to be him and me -Where's everyone else?-

-Today, is fishing day- he looked at me -We have lots of things to do before leaving. The adults are preparing it all.-

Wilbur walked to the bathroom, and I sighed for then taking my stuff out. He came out of the bathroom ready to go, and then I entered to get ready too.

3rd Person POV

9:00 am

Everyone was walking to the lake, since it was fishing day. They were all pretty excited, all except [Y/N], who prefered spending time doing other activities. She was carrying a bag with a notebook and some pens and pencils, so she could later draw something.

Finally, they arrived to the lake, and everyone began preparing stuff for fishing. [Y/N] took out her notebook and a pencil, and left her bag on the floor, for then walking into the woods they just gone through.

-Wilbur- the boy heard his mom call him, so he looked at her. She told Wilbur with her eyes to follow [Y/N], and so he did.

Without making any noise, he followed the girl until she stopped. She didn't seem to notice him, and sat under a big tree. He sat next to her.

-What are you drawing?- the girl looked at him a little bit surprised

-Nothing yet- she opened the notebook in a blank page -I was hoping to find something interesting to draw-

-There are lots of interesting things here- the boy changed position, so than he could be sitting in fronto of her. 

-For example?- she asked, now laying her notebook on the floor next to her

-Me- said the boy showing off, while arranging his hair with one hand. She laughed.

-Well, then I guess I'll have to draw you- she took her notebook again, Wilbur (who wasn't expecting that) looked at her surprised -Look over there-

The boy followed her orthers, curious about what could result from that scene. He tried to look once in a while, but [y/n] wouldn't let him; she laughed at his expresion f dissapointment at not being able to achive his goal, and he laughed as the girl's cute laugh turned to be pretty contagious. 

Finally, after a while of making strokes in her notebook, the girl finished the drawing.

-It's done- the boy tried to take the notebook, but she put it away from him -But you have to swear you won't laugh.-

-I won't. Let me see- the boy said excitedly, still trying to take the notebook.

-You swear?- The boy calmed down, and stopped trying to grab it, putting his hands on his lap

-I swear- she slowly gave him the notebook, and waited till he analized the drawing

-It's pretty good...- the boy said on a serious voice

-I know, I'm sorry, I just....- she started to freak out, not used to getting that reacion, but then make a small pause -You liked it?-

-Sure! I mean, I'm even more handsome in person, but it's not bad- they both laughed -Can I keep it?-

-Of course!- [y/n] tore the page of her notebook for then giving it to him, but took it back -Wait, the souvenir photo.-

-The what?- before the girl could hear him, she was already gone the way back to where the adults were, for then coming back with an instant camera. She took a photo of the drawing and saved it on one pocket. -Do you usually do this?-

-Nah, I don't need to, since I usually keep my drawings- Wilbur nodded as if understanding

-Let me see- the boy took the camera from the girl's hand (only hearing a small 'hey!') and took a picture of himself. He took it when it was printed -Well, hello there-

-Hey, don't do that- she took the camera back, and right when he was going to say 'sorry', she spoke again. -Not without me. Now smile-

[y/n] sat next to Wilbur for then taking two pictures of them. 

-Here, this one's for you- she gave him one of the pictures, while keeping the other

-Do you mind if we go back to the lake?- the boy go up, for then helping her get up too -I don't wanna miss fishing day.-

-Right, sorry- the both walked back, joking and talking about whatever happened on their way.

𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now