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3rd Person POV

-Wilbur, I need to talk to you...- both teenagers were back home, but they were still sitting in the time machine

-That sounded serious- he joked and sat next to her -Ok, what is it?-

-Wilbur, I like you

Both got down from the time machine, they were parking in front of [Y/N]'s house.

-I like you too- Wilbur said, the girl's eyes were wide open -You're my best friend!-

-No, Wilbur- she said in a more serious voice -I don't like you as in 'friends' like you, I mean, I do but, I also like you as in 'more than friends'...-

-You mean...

-You know what I mean...

They both stayed in silence, it was the most uncomfortable silence ever. The only thing it could hear was [Y/N]'s heart beating at full speed. She tried to look at him, but he always looked away.

-Wilbur... Did you hear what I said?



-And? What do you expect me to say? How was I supposed to react?

-Well, I don't know, I just... I supposed you'd be happy- he didn't answered, and still wasn't looking at me -Wilbur, what do you think? I need to know your opinion...-

-I don't know- he seemed worried

-You don't know what to think?- I looked at him, no answer -Wilbur, if you don't like me you can just tell me..-

-It's not that...

She looked at him, waiting for an explanation or something, he seemed upset? He got into the time machine again.

-I really have to go now

And he left, just like that, without any explanation of any kind.

[Y/N] wanted to follow him, she was dying to, but she could not. She didn't want to annoy him. She knew nothing about what was happening, why had he reacted like this?

'Lewis would never lie to you' the girl repeated in her mind as her eyes began to fill with tears. 'Lewis would never lie to you' she repeated in her mind as those tears started to fall down her cheeks while she walked into her home.

Yagoobian was sitting on the kitchen table, he was reading but put the book aside when he saw his daughter arrive. [Y/N] dried her tears quickly, she didn't want him to worry.

-Hi honey, how was everything today?

-Nice, I guess- she forced a smile -How was your day?-

-Shhh, don't speak- said his father excited -I have a surprise for you-

The girl sat on the table in front of him.

-Remember how you were always complaining about how you would like to stay?- she nodded -Well, Lewis talked to me and convinced me, we're going to stay here for some time and you'll study in Todayland's school-

-Really? That's awesome

-Plus, you'll get to be on the same school as Wilbur

There was silence again. She didn't want to talk about it, she didn't even want to think about it. She smiled though, moving into Todayland meant they were going to stay there at least a couple of years, she knew her dad. Not having to change school after she was finally adapted made her happy.

-Thanks, dad- she got up and hugged him -I really appreciate it-


I know, I know. Years have passed since I updated, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to write whatever just to update, I wanted to write something I liked for you to like it too.

Since there's still a loooot of quarantine time, I'll try to make myself some time to write, I may even write one per day.

Thanks for all the support!


𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now