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Your POV

Second day of school, definitely better than the first, I was hoping. 

I entered again, this time a group was looking at me. Two girls and a boy, they seemed to be talking about me. I tried to look away, but they kept staring. Finally, one of the girls approached to me.

-Hi, I'm Vanessa, and you must be [Y/N]

-Yes, I am- she shook my hand -Nice to meet you-


-See? I told you- the boy shouted from the back -He didn't mention us.-

In that moment I heard my name from the back, it was Wilbur who approached to us.

-Oh, I see that you already met my friends- he said

-You didn't talk about us?- Vanessa complained

-Look, I'm sorry, I was going to introduce you yesterday, but...

-Yeah, I know- Vanessa interrupted him annoyed, the other two from the group approached.

-Hi, I'm Phoebe- I shook both's hand -and this is Harry-

The bell rang so I didn't get to know them better, but they seemed nice. They wanted to include me and I really appreciated that. The teacher's voice took me out of my thoughts.

-Ok class, I have an announcement to make- everyone payed attention -In a couple weeks we will have our welcome prom, so everybody get ready.-

I was definitely not going. I never went to a prom and I'll never go. Everyone always took it as the most important event of their lives, but it is just a cliche tradition of teenagers where they compete to look superior to everyone by being crowned as kings and queens.

-You will obviously go to the prom, won't you?- Vanessa intercepted me right befor lunchtime, followed by Phoebe

-I'm still not sure- I answered

-Please, it will be so great.

-I'll think about it.

Both girls lead me to a table where Harry and Wilbur also sat later. About Wilbur, I'm not saying I felt uncomfortable around him, of course I loved spending time with him; but since what happened the day before I wasn't sure how to define us. I mean, I was sure we weren't friends anymore, but should I call him my boyfriend?

-So, Wilbur.- Harry spoke -When are you inviting [Y/N] to the prom?-

-Harry! You can't ask him that.- Phoebe said, while slightly punching Harry with her shoulder

𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now