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Your POV

9:30 am

I woke up a little bit confused, but after looking around and remembering everything from the day before, I smiled.

I got up and went all the way through the hall till the dinning room, where everyone were having breakfast. I waved at them and Franny asked me to sit, so I sat next to Wilbur as Carl served me a plate of waffles.

-So...- I said while poking my food with the fork -What are the plans for today?-

-Oh, you'll see. It's a surprise- Wilbur said, we both giggled 

After breakfast, he took me to which seemed like the garage, covering my eyes with his hands and guiding me all the way. Finally, he stopped walking and uncovered my eyes. In front of me, there was a big red machine, similar to flying cars but it had something different.

-Let me introduce you to the time machine.- my eyes glowed and I ran to the machine.

Wilbur opened the top so that we both entered, and after closing it again, the cealing began opening and the machine started floating. I didn't even knew what were we doing, but I wasn't going to oppose, I trusted Wilbur after all.

Suddenly, after Wilbur pressed some numbers on a board, the machine was surrounded by some sort of bubble that disappeared for taking us to a strange place.

-Are we...- I began asking him, but he didn't let me finish.

-In the past!- he said excitedly and I couldn't believe it, I looked around and everything seemed so different, specially because we were in the exact same place. -We're here because I want to introduce you to an old friend.-

Wilbur drove and parked in front of an old tall building I couldn't recognise, but for the glass rounded cealing, seemed to be an observatory. We came out of the machine and Wilbur made it invisible, then we walked to the front door and rang the bell.

A tall woman opened the door and I just smiled not knowing what to say.

-Hi, we came to see Cornelius- Wilbur said. Cornelius? This starts to be suspicious, Wilbur has a friend called Cornelious who lives in the past?

-Sure, come in- the woman said and we entered to the house -He's upstairs, Wilbur, you already know where to find him.-

We went upstairs (I followed Wilbur all the time) and arrived to a big blue door which Wilbur opened. The door lea us to another stairs and finnally into a big room full of weird stuff and which seemed like inventions.

-Lewis?- Wilbur began saying while looking for something or someone. 'Who on earth is Lewis?'

A blonde boy got up from a desk and approached us.

3rd person POV

-Wilbur!- the boy exclaimed for then hugging Wilbur, then they splitted

-I want you to meet someone- Wilbur told Lewis, who looked at the [h/c]ed girl in front of him

-Hi, I'm Lewis- he extended his hand towards [Y/N], who shook it

-I'm [Y/N], [Y/N] Yagoobian- the girl smiled, but Lewis seemed shocked, he widened his eyes

-Y-Yagoobian?- Lewis asked nerviously -As in Mike Yagoobian?- 

-Yes, I'm his daughter- the girl replied kinda confused.

Who was this boy? And, how could he know her dad if he was kind of a lonel boy? It began all making sense, Wilbur brought [Y/N] to the past, to meet Cornelius Robinson as a boy. Lewis, knowing Goob as one of his closest childhood friends couldn't believe he was now meeting who would be his daughter in the future.

They both screamed, Wilbur wasn't expecting that reaction after introducing them. It would be harder than he expected.


Omg! I can't believe we already reached 1.3k, thanks for all your support guys, it really means a lot to me. Also, sorry for being late, I'm still working on that.

Anyways, hope you are enjoying the book, lysm.


𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔; Wilbur RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now