Later on

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"Thanks for coming."

"Thank you" Natalie mimicked.

We had just spent, 6 and a half hours, opening gifts, doing cake, and celebrating out baby girls birthday.

I could not believe she is 1 already. Technically not til this Sunday. But we celebrated today.

we cleaned up and by the time we were done it was her bath time.

We and Natalie bathed her and then we turned on our shows while she played with her new toys.

"Chunky monkey!" She turned to Natalie with a big smile.

Natalie cuddled into my side and I wrapped my arms around her.

"She's one" her voice quivered and I squeezed her.

"She'll always be our peanut, babe."

She nodded and wiped her face.

I kissed her head.

An hour later, Aria was tugging on Natalie.

She looked exhausted and ready to eat and go to bed.

"You wanna go night night baby?"

She nodded rubbing her eyes. Natalie lifted her and she started feeding her.

We put her to bed and then went into our room after closing the house up.

Natalie sobbed.

"She's so big!"

"Awe baby." I frowned and pulled her onto the bed into my lap.

She cried into my chest.

"Nat, it's okay."

"She grew up to fast."

I shifted ya to the center of the bed and laid down.

She laid on my chest and I took her glasses off and put them on the side table.

She eventually fell asleep and I turned on the monitor.

Daviddobrik                                                       •••

Liked by 567 peopleDavidDobrik nothing in the world could have prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster that parenting has brought me

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Liked by 567 people
DavidDobrik nothing in the world could have prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster that parenting has brought me. You bring me and mommy all the joy in the world peanut. And while we still have 3 more days til your officially 1, me and mama are still crying our eyes out seeing what a big girl you are. Love you angel.
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Just now

I decided I couldn't sleep.

I got up, carefully pulling myself from Natalie.

I went into the podcast room and set up the camera.

"I can't sleep." I sat down and adjusted my hair.

"Joe is editing the birthday vlog. It's crazy that this time last year me and Nat were just, putting the crib together and waiting for her to make her appearance."

I leaned forward on the table resting my head"so I guess I'll be cheesy, this is to my daughter. And to Natalie."

I took a deep breathe.

"To Natalie, my partner, my best friend, the love of my life. Thank you for being so incredibly patient with me. Thank you for loving me even when I didn't feel so lovable. Thank you for sticking by my side for the what like... 10 years?"

I sat back running my fingers through my hair.

"Thank you for carrying, and loving, and helping me raise that beautiful little girl. I don't think I could have made it this far, or functioned day to day without you. I appreciate you more than any words I could ever give you. Currently you are curled up all warm in our bed, and I have loved every single morning I have gotten, waking up to you, and our daughter. And every night that I get to fall asleep with you."

I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying.

"You are the brains, and the voice of reason, and my fucking rock Nat. I truly don't know what I'd do without you."

"And my baby girl. Obviously you won't understand this today, or tomorrow, you won't understand this a month from now or even a year from now on your next birthday, but one day, you'll look back and see this and just know I love you. It's stupid and it's cheesy...but you have brought this wonderful light into me and your moms life. You are my little light. The light that shown through in the darkest of my days. That pulled me out of the deepest darkest hole I had ever been in my life."

I wiped a few stray tears.

"Ariella Noel Dobrik...I will spend the rest of my life wondering how I got so lucky to be able to be your dada. I wake up most days just thinking, just knowing, I am not worthy enough for you or for your mama. I know I don't open up much on here. I don't talk about sensitive shit. But I feel this is justified."

"So, Nat, Thank you, Thank you for being everything I want, everything I NEED. Thank you for loving me in my darkest time, and always putting me on my ass when I need it. Thank you for being my best friend, thank you for taking my breath away everyday. You are a wonderful mother. A wonderful girlfriend. My biggest supporter. My rock, my world. I love you."

"And peanut, I love you. I adore you. You will always be my tiny little peanut that me and mommy cried over, and fought for tooth and nail, you are me and mommy's rock. Our support in a sinking ship. You are my everything. Watching you grow has been a privilege. Watching you gain your own personality, and start talking, and walking, and being a mini mommy has been so amazing and you make my heart swell. I love you so much."

I laughed behind my tears and nodded.

"Thank you to my fans, for supporting, sticking with me. Staying for that next chapter."

"Thank you to our friends and family, while you didn't always make it the easiest on us, you always supported. And I know Natalie appreciates it just as much as I do."

"Now I've cried myself out. And I'm tired. And I've got a beautiful girl sleeping in my bed, and I'm gonna go to her." I nodded closing my eyes and smiled.

"Happy birthday peanut."

I turned off my camera and stood up.

When I walked back into the bedroom Natalie stirred when I climbed into bed.


"Shh I'm right here angel." I mumbled.

I buried my face in her neck and out hands laced and we both fell asleep.

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