Backing Out

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I'm writing out a few chapters and posting them all at once for you guys since I didn't post yesterday. I'm also gonna fix all the little errors in the other chapters. Enjoy!

Natalie's POV

I am currently sitting on the couch. It's September and still hot in California.

I have a tank top on pulled on the top of my belly, eating ice cream, and watching Orange is the New Black.

Aria is sleeping, and David is out with Jason.

At least he was til they all came in being loud.

"I didn't know she was your girlfriend!" Jeff shouted.

"Well you should have known!" Todd yelled back.

"Shut the hell up Aria is sleeping!" David hissed, shoving Todd.

They were fighting quietly within the group.

Some taking Todd's side, some taking Jeff's side.

David walked over and sat down next to me.

I held a spoonful of ice cream to him and he took the bite.

"I missed you." He mumbled behind the mouthful of ice cream and leaned in and kissed me.

"I missed you too. What's going on?"

"We all saw Jeff kiss Olivia."

"Oooh." I nodded continuing to eat my ice cream.

"What? What's that smile for?"

"Nothing, it's just most the relationship drama has surrounded us, it's kinda nice to be an observer this time." He threw his head back and laughed.

"That's true."

He put his camera away.

"I'm gonna go check on my peanut."

He walked away and I got up to put my dishes away, pausing the tv.

"Hey Natalie can I ask your opinion?" Jeff questioned.

"I'm 8 and a half months pregnant, don't bother me with girl drama." I leaned against the counter and he turned to me.


"I'm listening."

"If like....Cass kissed David, what would you do?"

"Never talk to her again, because she knows me and David are engaged, and have children."

"Natalie probably isn't the best example, her life is in a completely different chapter than you and Todd." Jason rolled his eyes.

Jeff looked at me pleadingly.

"The correct question would have been, when me and David were dating, before we told everyone, if I walked in (with all my friends) to David and Cass kissing, then I'd be more angry at David, because he didn't respect me, and just sad that my friend would do that, knowing I had feelings for him."

He turned to Todd.

Todd shook his head.

"I told you I love her and want to be with her, you screwed up not me. You can go fuck yourself."

He walked over to the couch and threw himself down .

David kicked everyone out because they woke Aria with their fighting.

I was sitting on the couch again and David came up.

"Can you pause that babe?"

David came and sat on the opposite end of the couch.


I paused it and turned to him.

"I was thinking..."

"Uh oh."

"Well were kinda outgrowing this house."


"I thought maybe we could look into finding a new house, get space for the kids and an office..." he trailed off.

"You love it here." I frowned.

"Well I do Nat, but, I dunno, we should look into something else. We don't have to do it now, maybe after the baby, before we get married? I wanna have space, and not be cramped."

I bit my lip and sighed. He was right but it didn't mean I liked it at all. I decided to change the subject for now.

"What happened between them anyway?"

"Jeff was all over Olivia all night, Todd wasn't saying anything, and then Jeff kissed her and Todd punched him in the face."

"I thought he was with Corinna."

David shrugged.

"He asked if he could bring someone, and it was Olivia, and then Corinna never showed up."

"Oh, I feel bad, you should have told me I would have invited her here."

He shrugged, standing up, "offer to go to lunch with her tomorrow, go get your nails done, on me."

I ended up doing it

And the next day I picked Corinna up.

"Hey girly." She smiled.

"Hi! how are you?"

"I'm okay. How about you, look at you, glowing."

"Thank you! I'm good! He's kickin my butt though."

She laughed and nodded. We chatted and drove to the nail salon, Namaste Nail Sanctuary, expensive but really nice. We got our hands and feet done.

"$133 for you because you got Acrylics," She motioned to Corinna, "and $114 for you."

I nodded, "I'll pay for both." I handed her a card and Corinna shook her head, "that's too much Nat!" She went to pull money out.

"You can leave a tip, but consider it a gift from me and David."

She handed my card back and Corinna did the tip.

We walked out and she hugged me.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

We went shopping, and went out to eat. She told me all about Todd.

"We just, stopped, we never even talked about it. He just stopped loving me I guess." She dropped her gaze.

I dropped her off at home after.

I walked in and my dirty baby ran up to me.


I lifted her, she was covered in food.


I walked around to the kitchen and he was also covered in food.

"Oh hi babe!"

"Hi...what are you guys up to?"

"Well we were gonna make cookies, but then she threw some at me so I did it back, and now...."

I rolled my eyes and looked down.

I could help but laugh at it though.

Of course David would get into a food fight with our (almost) two year old.

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