Baby Date

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Today I'm taking Aria on a date.

Natalie had a lot to do today, Casandra is in town, and they were doing some last minute shopping, and having a girl day before Natalie has the baby.

I walked into her room.

Natalie had put her in a maroonish-red onesie, that came off her shoulders and had the frilly neck line thing. Like a skirt on her shoulders. I don't know I'm a boy.

And then little blue Shorts, and a floral bow, with the same maroonish color, and the same green as her shoes too.

"Wow my date is the prettiest little date ever."

"Hi dada! Look! I pitty!"

"You are so pretty, Peanut."

I walked over and picked her up, swinging her around.

She giggled and covered her face.

"Here's a flower," I set the vase down with her flowers (sunflowers) , next to her crib.

"Awe!" Natalie smiled, "dada got you pretty flowers baby!"

"I smell?"

"Okay." I walked her over and she stuck her face in the flowers smelling them.

"Mmm dada! Pitty and smelly!"

Me and Natalie both laughed.

I helped Natalie up and she left to get ready with Cass.

I took a picture in the mirror with her and posted it on snapchat.

"My date is better than yours."

We went into the bedroom. "Say bye mama."

"By mama love you!"

"Love you too peanut." She kissed her head.

"Say bye auntie Cass."

"Bye bye!" She waved and then pointed, "We to dada!"

"We go peanut." I leaned over and kissed Nat.

"Have fun nerds." I mumbled.

"Have fun Babies."

We left, I got Aria in the car.

We went shopping first, the toy store of course.

"Hey guys, we're on a date, I'm so nervous." I turned the camera to Aria as she ran through the isles of toys.

"I decided before the baby gets here, I'd spend some alone time with my girl. Natalie has been a lot, so I thought we could go on a date."

I made a little montage for the night, not wanting to focus on the camera.

She picked out a baby doll, a few new Disney princess dolls, a toy camera "just like dadas", a few princess dress up things, and she even picked a new little turtle stuffed animal, "for baby bother"

"We will have to work on brother." I feasted. We checked out.

We went to a little boutique and got a few new dresses. She loves pretty dresses like mamas.

After that we got dinner, it was the same little pier me and Natalie had dinner.

"Your daughter is beautiful!"

"Oh thank you, can you say thank you?"

"Tank you!" She hopped up and down and I smiled.

"Sit down peanut."

I even brought her to see some little kid movie.

It was nice to spend time one on one with her

We of course had to get ice cream after though.

"What kind Peanut?"

"Chocate dada! Spinkles too?"

"Of course, we need sprinkles!" I order us both ice cream, and we sat at the little table and I set the camera up.

"Tank you dada." She was standing at me. She seriously made my heart melt.

"Of course princess." I pushed her hair out of her face.

She sighed happily scooping up ice cream.

"I love you dada. Bes dada evwer"

I felt like crying. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Your the best peanut in the world. I love you so much."

She gave me a chocolatey smile. I leaned down and kissed her head.

After I cleaned her off the best I could and then we drove home.

Natalie wasn't home yet.

I gave her a bath, and then showered myself while she watched tv.

"Time for bed peanut."

"We watch wana dada?"

I sighed at her pout.

"Okay fine, but when your tired you tell me!" I pointed at her and she nodded excitedly.

We moved to the living room, I gave her a sippy cup of milk.

She ended up falling asleep on my chest.

I was half asleep when Natalie came in.

They carried the bags in and then I felt Natalie drop down behind me.

She squeeze my shoulders, and kissed my head. "Did you have a good date?"

I nodded, "I spoiled her." I murmured.

"Good. Wanna bring her to bed? I'm ready to get your attention."

I nodded and turned to Cass, I was still half asleep.

"Don't you need a ride home."

"No she's gonna stay here with Aria, so whenever we're ready we can just go." She whispered.


I turned and looked to Natalie.

"Because I'm in labor."

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