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While Hawaii was amazing, and I hated leaving, I was excited to get home and see my daughter.

Our flight got delayed by 3 hours because of weather in both Hawaii and LA, of course the one time it's raining there.

It almost got cancelled but the rain let up a bit so we boarded, and then sat on the runway for 2 hours.

Finally we took off.

When we landed Jason was there to pick us up.

Kristen and Scotty we're back at the house watching Aria.

"How was it?"

"Amazing, I'm driving."

He tossed me the keys and I took them, glad to be back in my Tesla.

We drove all the way home, Natalie animatedly telling Jason about our trip.

When we got home she was practically bouncing in her seat, "I miss her." She pouted.

It's been the longest we've both ever spent apart from her.

We got out, leaving our bags.

I turned on my camera.

"We just got home, we're both excited to see Aria."

I opened the door.

Kristen was feeding her in the high chair, Scotty was on his computer on the couch.

Arias eyes widen.

"MAMA DADA!" She screamed and tried to get out of her high chair.

Kristen got her out and she ran tripping over her own feet.

I caught her before she fell on her face.

"Peanut!" Natalie snatched her from me swinging her and peppering her with kisses.

"Mama!" She grabbed Natalie's hair and tugged on it.

"I Miss mama!" She said sweetly.

"What about me?" I pouted.

She reached for me and I handed the camera to Natalie.

I peppered her with kisses and she threw her head back giggling.

"I missed you peanut." I hugged her and she put her hands on my face.

"I miss dada." She gave me a serious face and I laughed.

"Can I have a kiss?" She gave me a sloppy kiss.

I hadn't noticed Liza. I vaguely remember Natalie asking me if Kristen could have her over.

"What were you eating peanut?"

I walked over setting her back in her high chair she quickly lifted her legs and started crying.

"No dada!"

"Okay okay." I lifted her back onto my hip, I grabbed a chicken nugget and handed it to her and she laid her head on my chest and started eating again.

"Thanks Kristen." I hugged her with one arm.

"Of course! Can you tell daddy what we did today and yesterday?"

My parents had ended up watching her but had an emergency with Ester and had to go home. Kristen jumped in and said she could watch her she had nothing going on and didn't mind.

"What did you do angel?"

Natalie sat down and Kristen handed her a plate of food. Natalie groaned and dug in.

"We pay dollies dada an wach woana dada,"

"You watched Moana with aunt Kristen?!" I asked excitedly and she nodded,bouncing.

"Yeah dada!"

"What else?" Natalie questioned.

I set her on the counter. And she looked thoughtful for a moment, turning to Kristen.

"We made cookies, and we got new jammies that matched me and uncle Scotty, and then you helped me make eggs this morning."

"Yeah!!" She grabbed another chicken and held it up, "Mama I got new pj's!"

"That's so cool baby!"

Natalie finished eating and then went to nap.

I was on the couch with Aria. Watching Moana again.

She was being super cuddly.

Scott kristen and Liza are still here.

"How have you been Liza?"

"I've been good, busy."

I nodded and turned to her, "good I'm glad to hear."

"What about you?"

"I'm good." I smiled "busy."

"Yeah Natalie's got a whole belly to show for how busy you've been."

I laughed and shook my head, "had to have proof of course."

I ended up falling asleep with Aria.

I was happy to be home

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