I Do

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The priest went through his whole spiel and then it was time for the vows.

For better for worse

In sickness and health.

For richer or poorer.

And then we started our personal vows.

David took a deep breath and spoke

"Me first?"

I laughed along with everyone else and nodded.

"Okay." He let out a long sigh and then spoke again.

"Natalie Noel. I have...loved you for such a long time. Of course I was an idiot and I let you get away for a few years. But that day you came back into my life, I knew I needed you." He bit his lip, and squeezed my hands.

"When you told me you were pregnant I was beyond excited, and I could not wait to start that next chapter of my life, and I realized, just a few days ago actually, that it wasn't just the new chapter I was excited about, it was the person I was starting it with." I felt the tears stream down my face.

"Natalie I adore you and I fall deeper in love with you every day of my life. Watching you with our children, watching you grow and love and being able to be by your side whenever you make life decisions is the best thing ever. And....I just love you, and I don't understand how I'm so damn lucky to have you by my side."

I laughed as I wiped my tears a little and nodded, I mouthed "I love you" and he smiled at me and winked.

"My turn." I stared at him for a beat longer.

"David Julien Dobrik." He rolled his eyes.

"When I moved into the house next to yours, years ago, I honestly never imagined I'd be here, with you. Having your babies, and getting married." His smile was huge and happy and I squeezed his hands.

"I love watching you love our babies, and being in your element both with our family, and when your working. I am beyond proud of you, and the person you have become, the man you have stepped up to be for us, and how you strive to do your very best everyday. You have managed to show me more happiness in the past 3 years than anyone ever could."

The priest smiled and me and David both wiped tears.

The priest asked for the rings and I took David's.

A think black band, I thought he'd like that better than a silver one.

"Do you Natalie Noel Mariduena take David Julien Dobrik, to have And to hold, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I slipped the ring onto his finger, my hands shaking.

"And do you David Julien Dobrik, take Natalie Noel Mariduena to have And to hold, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." He responded confidently and slipped the ring onto my left hand.

We both turned to the priest.

"Can I kiss her now?"

Everyone laughed.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

David's arms wrapped around me and he pulled me to him kissing me softly.

And when we pulled away we turned toward everyone and the priest spoke one last time.

"And for the first time ever I introduce, Mr, and Mrs Dobrik."

I figured I'd give it all to you guys! I hope you enjoyed the wedding bit! I also posted He Love Me He Loves Me Not!

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