Beach day

885 19 6

I woke to an empty bed.

I slid out of the covers, and walked into the kitchen.

It was warm through the whole house.

I leaned against the door jamb of the kitchen.

Natalie was cooking, Aria was standing on a little stool, helping mix, and Quinn was watching with wonder.

There was music playing quietly.

Their giggling away, while cooking breakfast, I walked up behind Aria.

Natalie smiled and I wrapped Aria up and attacked her with tickles and kisses and she burst into giggles and screams.

I set her back down.

"Mornin' daddy!"

"Good morning peanut."

I kissed Quinn and then pulled Natalie to me and kissed her shoulder while she kept mixing.

"What's for breakfast wife?"

"Mm pancakes husband."

I smiled and kissed behind her ear and she leaned back into me.

"Sounds and smells amazing baby."

I scooped Quinn up and went and sat at the island.

I sat him in front of me and made a face that made him giggle.

"Did you sleep well Quinn Julien?"

He nodded quickly and shoved his paci back in his mouth.

I held his feet and he giggled.

"Are you so ticklish like sissy?"

"Dada!" I pulled him forward and he squealed.

"Let's go see the sand bubba while mama and sissy cook."

I slid off the chair and walked out the doors

As soon as I hit the sand I set him down and he started crawling.

I watched as he sat back and played with the cool sand.

It would be hot later in the day.

We sat there for awhile until the girls were ready, and then we ate breakfast, and they went down for their first nap of the day.

I pulled Natalie outside as soon as she left the bedroom.

"What are we doing." She laughed.

I pulled her to the sand and yanked her down to sit in between my legs in front of the water.

"David were gonna get wet!"

"That's okay that's why we have this house." I leaned back on my hands and she tangled her legs with mine and leaned back.

She had her head thrown back, eyes closed, basking in the sun. She's a literal angel.

I sighed happily as the water flowed over our legs.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course." I looked down at her, "are you?"

She nodded and sighed happily.

We sat there for what felt like only seconds before I heard Aria screaming for us.

"Daddy I come?!"

I turned to the house and laughed.

She was down to her diaper and her hair was a fucking mess.

"Come here peanut!"

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