Ch2 ~ Getting ready

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Graces pov
Today was the day, at last! Paris here we come!
Summer had dragged along till this point, there was no George or Skye around the house, so I'd had to spend most of my time with Hazel, which was fun don't get me wrong, but at a point you do long for other company or at least a change of scenery.
I woke up at 12am, as our flight was late at night, so I wouldn't even be able to get as much sleep as I would of liked, so had got some extra that morning. I went down to have breakfast with my mum as Hazel was already upstairs packing, telling her about how exited I was! I was all ready, but just needed to finish packing, so after food I went straight up, back to my room and suitcase.
It took until about 2pm, of squeezing everything into my case and trying to get it to closed, before I finally accomplished my goal. I had also packed my backpack, with everything I would of need on the plane, as my big case was going under in the hold, so I wouldn't be able to access it till we were in Paris! I had my phone, phone charger, jumper, camera, a book and a few other things in their, as those were things that would hopefully keep me occupied on the flight.
I went down at about 3 to grab some food and make myself a smoothie for at the airport, cause I always seemed to hate the food they served on the plane. My dad was now back and was hauling two big suitcases down the stairs, struggling.
'Who's are they?' I asked, knowing mums, dads and mine were already in the car.
'Hazels,' he said with a huff, 'who else would need to pack two suitcases, for a two week stay in France?'
I laughed and continued to watch as he struggled to get them outside to the car. I made my smoothie and packed it in my bag, not hungry yet.
I went back up to my room and changed into some comfortable clothes, to travel in, as all day I'd so far just stayed in my old pyjamas, which I wasn't going to take to France.

Now I was ready to take on France!

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Now I was ready to take on France!

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now