Ch11 ~ Dessert

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Day 1 part 7 ~ 21/08/19 ~ 9pm onwards
Elaine grabbed the tray of warm gooey brownies, from the kitchen counter and we all made our way out into the garden seating area, where we would of eaten all our dinner, but Hazel had insisted to eat inside so no bugs landed on her.

Day 1 part 7 ~ 21/08/19 ~ 9pm onwardsElaine grabbed the tray of warm gooey brownies, from the kitchen counter and we all made our way out into the garden seating area, where we would of eaten all our dinner, but Hazel had insisted to eat inside so...

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It was still really hot and humid outside even though it was 9pm, so we all sat on the sun loungers watching the sunset, which was such a pretty sight. I talked with Hazel a bit about how I was really missing George, while she confessed about missing crazy little Skye, who she had always been closest to, due to me and George being twins so always together and had never spent as much time with the other two as we should.
We laughed a lot as we reminisce and imagined what their faces would of been like when they saw dad working at their camp! Tom and Jodie joined in, as they didn't know what it was like to have other siblings, as they just had each other, who they argued and hated half the time, so it was weird for them to hear our story's about the other two and our family.
Tom explained how he had three close friends who he would refer to as brothers, who would always be there for him and had his back when things went wrong.
Jodie had close friends, who she would go on holiday with, but didn't really want to refer to as brothers or sisters, as they were mainly just friends. For her Tom was her only 'sibling', but she she also had lots of friends.
As it got later, I went and sat by the edge of the pool and dipped my feet in, rolling up my jeans, so they wouldn't get wet. Tom came and sat next to me looking out into Paris.
'It's beautiful isn't it?' I asked
'Very' Tom replied, taking in the sunset and scenery.
We just sat with our feet in the pool, while the others went in to get jobs done and plan new things. I always felt good when I was with Tom, I'd only known him a day, yet I felt as if I could be myself around him and didn't need to try and impress him. It was weird considering technically I'd always been a fan of his, but this felt different, like I was getting to know the real him. We didn't have to talk to each other to feel comfortable, we were perfectly happy just to sit and enjoy each other's company.
We stayed out there for what felt like ages, just enjoying the French atmosphere, but before long it did start to get rather chilly, meaning it was time to go inside and get to bed. Tom got up from where we were sat, offering me a hand,  so he could pull me up, we walked in together talking again. We went upstairs and got to the corner where we would have to part ways, still laughing and having fun.
'Night' Tom said.
'See you tomorrow' I replied, going into my nice warm room, smiling about how good today had been. I changed into some fresh pyjamas and got into my bed, still thinking about today and what would come next, here in Paris!

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