Ch18 ~ Hotel des invalides

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Day 2 part 7 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 1:15pm onwards
There in front of us stood this massive palace looking building, towering over us. It was so elegant, yet also magnificent.

The whole group came to a stand still, lost for words, at this palace

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The whole group came to a stand still, lost for words, at this palace. After taking in the sight, Jodie was the first one to break the silence, going, 'someone take my picture with it?', making everyone laugh and resume the photo taking process.
I walked over to Tom, 'take my photo?' I asked, smiling.
'Sure' he said, taking my phone from me and taking the photo after he said, 'say a big cheeseeeeeeeee' drawing out the e's.
'Cheseeeeeee' I said, smiling and laughing at him, while he was pulling a silly face to make me laugh.
'Haha Tom Abisgold, time for me to get a photo of you' I said taking my phone back, then taking his, 'smile for the camera' I said, taking the photo, then a few additional ones.
'Oh your boring' he said, checking out the photo, then seeing some quick selfies, I'd taken of me with a double chin and of him off guard, then started laughing.
'Boring? Really?' I replied holding my hands to my heart, as if what he had said had hurt me, really badly.
'Well that was before I saw these.' He said still laughing.
'Shouldn't judge a person, on their photo phases.' I replied, laughing.
'You know, I'm going to keep these and use them against you at some point.' He fired back, grinning.
'Oh, you wouldn't dare.' I gasped, acting like I was rather shocked, 'oh it's on!' I screamed, startling the others and causing Tom to grin and accept my challenge.

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now