Ch12 ~ Messages

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Day 2 part 1 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 9:30am onwards
Today I'd woken up to the sound of birds tweeting outside my window, which was different but nice. It was 11am so I got up and changed into today's outfit, so then I would be ready to go into Paris as soon as everyone was up and dressed!

 It was 11am so I got up and changed into today's outfit, so then I would be ready to go into Paris as soon as everyone was up and dressed!

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I went down to find my mum up and active making bacon and eggs for everyone, dressed and ready for the day ahead.
'Morning sunshine' she said smiling, 'your up early?'
'I'm not going to sleep thought to 1, while we are in France I am? That would waste the whole day!' I exaggerated.
'Try telling that to your sister' Vicky came back with, 'fried or poached egg? You get the first choice as your up first.'
'I'll go fried please' I added smiling, then looking back towards my phone, as I took a seat at the kitchen aisle.
I'd messaged George last night and hadn't got a reply till now, which seemed more angry than what I'd messaged him:

GR❤️CE: Hey bro! How is camp? Me and Hazel are really missing you and Skye! Did you like your surprise at climbing, please don't hate me for not telling you, dad said not to!
GE💥RGE: I hate you, leave me alone, you should of told me! Bye
GR❤️CE: I'm guessing you didn't like it then?
GE💥RGE: Well no, twins ate meant to tell each other stuff.
GR❤️CE: I'm sorry. Forgive me if I buy you a present?
GE💥RGE: Your forgiven, but you better get me a sick present or I'll replace you with Skye being my fav sister.
GR❤️CE: Aw how could you?!?! And don't worry I have never failed to buy you the best present ever have I? I won't let you down Georgie.
GE💥RGE: I said DON'T call me that. And I know you won't! Have fun today, I'll message you later.
GR❤️CE: Have fun! Bye bro!

I laughed as mum brought over my plate of bacon and fried eggs, as I sent my last message to my twin.
'George was pleased to see dad.' I said with a chuckle.
'I can't tell if that's a lie or not' my mum said laughing as I showed her the messages.
'Clearly loved it didn't he?' I said sarcastically, still laughing.
'Clearly.' She said taking a seat to me, as we ate our breakfast, waiting for more people to wake up and join us.

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now