Ch3 ~ The airport

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As we drove to the airport, my mum explained how in France, we were staying in central Paris. We would be sharing a villa, with one of her best friends from school and her son and daughter. We wouldn't be with them all the time, but would do lots of the Paris tourist activity's with them, so she asked us to attempt to get to know them and make friends, as one was my age (she is 14 but turning 15 like him) and one was Hazels age (17).
She told us it would be a all girl trip plus Elaine's son (their mums friends son, eg). Dad had decided not to come, just in case Skye or George got injured at camp and had ended up becoming a camp councillor, in order to keep an eye on them, but they didn't know, so would be getting a big shock tomorrow.
We got to the airport at 9pm, after the 4 hour car journey and had 3 hours till our flight at 12pm. We checked our bags in, then proceeded through security smoothly, none of us being searched or our bags being checked. Once through we went mum and Hazel got some food from McDonald's, while I drank my smoothie from earlier.
We talked and chatted for ages. Watching the planes land and take off, before are gate was called on the speaker.
'Flight 107 to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, France, please make your way to gate 27'
I jumped up, this was is it, we were actually going to France! We made our made our way to the gate, me leading the way, it was weird that it was gate 27, because this was my dream trip and 27 was my lucky number?!
We boarded the plane and I bagged the window seat, which annoyed Hazel, but in the end she accepted it because I said she could have it on the way back. Then we took off and we were on our way to Paris!

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now