Ch21 ~ Arguments

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Day 2 part 10 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 4:40pm onwards
The Notre Dame tour was amazing. The inside of that building was stunning, honestly it was magnificent. On the tour we got to look round the whole place which was amazing.
After the tour we went into the gift shop, where I bought a pen and pin badge, which Tom kept trying I steal as we made our way back to the cruise.
The Notre Dame stop, was at the end and start of the route for our specific cruise, meaning if we got on first we could get those seats I got at the start.
We got to the front of the queue and Hazel went 'yay, if we all rush to the back deck, we can sit outside!'
I literally felt like crying as my mum nodded, I looked towards Tom, who was also looking at me and gave him the look saying: why? He nodded his head as if to say, say something Grace.
'Hey that's not fair, we sat where she wanted last time we had a choice.' I blurted out, obviously upset.
'Well everyone wants to sit where you want to sit, you won't get there unless you run, as none of us are rushing with you, the back is better and fairer, it's five against one Grace, give it up!' Hazel replied.
'Also I forbid you to run again, or we will lose you again.' Mum agreed.
Why were my own family ganging up on me? Shouldn't they be the ones supporting me? I felt like crying, but held it in for the fact I didn't want to look like a baby.
As we started boarding, I just followed everyone till Tom went and pushed us all out the way saying, 'Nobody forbid me from running to get the seats at the front' running into the cruise.
Jodie called for Tom to come back, Elaine screamed for him to stop being stupid, mum and Hazel stared at me, while I just laughed and cheered 'g'won Tom!!'
I then went to my mum, 'Sorry, but I want a good seat' then ran after Tom.
As I ran off I heard Hazel moan, 'I'm not chasing after her, I want to sit at the back, like we planned'
I ran on to the ship and climbed up the stairs and ran to the front, where I saw Tom sat on two seats, while lots of people around his attempted to steal them.
'That was brilliant Tom' I smiled, laughing.
'And it worked!' He said pointing behind us to where mum and Elaine where coming up to us.
'Don't ever do that again Tom' Elaine scolded, 'you could of got lost'
'Same with you Grace' my mum added.
'But I wanted to sit at the front and you were all being unreasonable' Tom said pouted, 'I was just making it fair.'
After I discussion me and Tom made the parents see that they hadn't been at all fair, so they agreed to let us sit at the front, Hazel and Jodie sit at the back and they were sitting in the middle.
Me and Tom enjoyed the boat ride back to the Eiffel Tower stop, talking and seeing the views of Paris. We occasionally chatted, but didn't need to, to have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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