Ch20 ~ Notre Dame

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Day 2 part 9 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 2:30pm onwards
We all made our way back to the cruise, knowing we had one final stop before we had done everything we wanted to today, sightseeing.
The main thing mum and Elaine has booked for today had been a tour of Notre Dame cathedral.
We hopped on the boat just sitting downstairs, near the exit, knowing we only had half an hour our tour began and still wanted to get our classic photos outside the building. I sat next to Hazel and mum this time as 3 could sit on the first row and the 3 on the fourth row and it apparently wouldn't be fair on the grownups if me and Tom day together, then Jodie and Hazel.
After about 10 minutes, we were docking up outside Notre Dame, which was also just on the river bank.

We all got off and met up on the dock, walking up the ramp and to the ground

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We all got off and met up on the dock, walking up the ramp and to the ground. Notre Dame was stunning, even though half of it was burnt up, from a fire a while ago and had bits of scaffolding on each side of it and builders renovating it, it still looked magnificent and one of a kind.
Tom quickly got his phone out and took a photo of me off guard, to 'add to the pile of blackmail' apparently. I just laughed and shrugged him off, knowing I'd get him back at some point this holiday.
We then both got nice photos of each other with the cathedral, then sat down talking, till 3pm, was which was our time slot to go inside and look around one of Frances most historical buildings.

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