Ch4 ~ Flying and touchdown

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I looked the sensation of flying, taking off and being at the airport, it made the trip all so memorable. We had an 1 hour and 50 mins till we arrived at Paris, so I took out my phone and played some games for a while, planes always seemed to be boring, when they had no tv or entertainment on board. Entertaining yourself just seemed so hard.
I put my headphones in and listened to some chapter 13 songs, they had been one of my favourite bands ever since BGT in June. Now it was August and they had just been on tour throughout Summer and finished two days ago in Brighton. I'd really wanted to go and see them, but my mum wouldn't take me, as because I wasn't 14 the closest venue for under 14's had been over an hour away on the day Skye and George we're leaving to camp, so unfortunately I couldn't go. They had some of the best songs, which really helped to keep me sane throughout that flight.
Soon enough we had 10 minutes left, so I packed all my stuff up back into my rucksack and prepared to land. It was a bumpy landing, but then we were in France so I didn't really mind. We disembarked the plane and went through the French security checks easily, because we were only from England and mum could speak French really well. We all went to the toilets before going to the baggage claims, and waiting for our bags.
After a long 20 minutes, my bag came out the flaps, so I grabbed it and we left the airport, as mums and Hazels two had been right at the start. We exited into the empty airport and my mum lead us to the airport hotel, where we were staying that night as the trains didn't run at 2am.
As soon as we got into the room, I went to sleep, I didn't care that I wasn't in my pjs, this was good enough and I was shattered. That night I had the best sleep, dreaming about Paris and all that this week holds!

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now