Ch16 ~ Arc de Triomphe

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Day 2 part 5 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 12:30am onwards
Soon we arrived at the arc de triomphe, with Jodie and Hazel fuming at us, while we were still in hysterics from the whole walk here. Mum and Elaine were also laughing at the whole encounter, trying to scold me and Tom for winding the older girls up, but failing because it was clear they found in funny and were attempting not to laugh themselves, at us being mischievous.

 Mum and Elaine were also laughing at the whole encounter, trying to scold me and Tom for winding the older girls up, but failing because it was clear they found in funny and were attempting not to laugh themselves, at us being mischievous

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The arc was really pretty, but it was really busy all around it and there was hardly any spots to take photos. There were massive groups of tourists, with guilds everywhere, meaning we struggled to get through the crowds.
Once we got to a small clearance in the crowd, I offered to take a picture of Jodie and Hazel together, knowing they would want individual ones, as well as one together. Mum and Elaine were busy taking photos, so I knew I was their only option, which would at least put me back in their good books slightly more than Tom, which was good enough for me. I had a few tries, till I got an 'acceptable' one, in the eyes of Hazel who was very picky with her photos and then gave the phone back so they could now get ones of each other.
Tom got one of me, with the arc in the background, then I did one for him, that was near enough the same. Then Tom got one of mum and Elaine together, so that they in return would get one of both of us. We both smiled as mum said 'cheese', hoping for at least one good photo together.
After everyone had gotten every photo they wanted, which ended up us all waiting for Hazel and Jodie, who weren't satisfied with their selection of photos and 'needed' to take more, we started to walk back to the dock, ready for the next stop.

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