Ch17 ~ Friends

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Day 2 part 6 ~ 22/08/19 ~ 1pm onwards
Back at the boat, this time, we were first in line, meaning I didn't have to race off to find us good seats. When the boat came we were first on, but because people had gotten on at the last stop, it meant that the best seats at the front were taken, so we decided to sit outside on the back deck, in the sun. Hazel, was of course, over the moon about this, saying how we should just sit here every time, so she can get a tan, while I was rather bitter because the view wasn't as good, as at the front. Mum said it was only fair that Hazel also got a say in where we sat, as it was her holiday too, which just made me into an even more moody teenager, finding this really unfair.
Luckily, it was only a short journey to the next stop, which was the hotel des invaliders. Once we got off, again, we had a small walk, this time though it was much shorter than the last walk and in the opposite direction.
On the way there, all the others went ahead, all talking and laughing together. I walked slightly behind the group, not really feeling apart of it, they all were having fun, while I just felt rather depressed. I trudged myself along, not having as much fun as I should've been having their and then. At least, when we were annoying the older girls, they had each other, I just felt alone.
Still walking behind, I gathered my thoughts up, thinking about how unfair it was that Hazel got what she wanted because she wanted a tan. I thought to myself, I bet mum only sided with her as she also wanted a tan, knowing that was one of the reasons we came on holiday each year.
I was lost in my thoughts, when Tom startled me, by walking up besides me, humming to himself.
'You know, I thought that it wasn't fair either on the cruise' he started, 'the view back there was awful' he continued, 'if I'd had a say in the matter, I would of agreed with you.' He finished, smiling at me.
For once, in that whole little walk I smiled and said, 'thanks Tom, it means a lot.'
He beamed back and then pointed towards the building in front of us, implying we were finally here.

The city of love ~ Tom Abisgold Where stories live. Discover now