Chapter 1:The mysterious guy.

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I open my eyes and subconsciously I turn to see the clock next to me. Guess who overslept? I jump out of the bed and wear a black hoodie and tight jean. I didn't have enough time for a hairstyle or makeup so I went downstairs.

My dad was sitting, really calm and he was looking at the breakfast he made for me. He seemed sad. Next to him, I saw a happy birthday card. Holy shit! I forgot my own birthday! I was ready to be an adult, to behave like a responsible adult.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" Said my father but he didn't sound thrilled about this day. I quickly hugged him and he smiled.

"Is this for me?" I asked and pointed the bag on the table next to my plate, which was filled with pancakes. My heart started pounding as I opened my birthday gift, I really wanted it to be a pair of keys for a car. But when I saw a small bracelet my heart dropped a little.

"I know Bailey, it is small but this was your mother's bracelet." He said and immediately I tried to hide my disappointment.

"It's amazing!" I said while I was wearing my new bracelet, I must admit that it was nice. "I'm late for school!" I announced and dad nodded. I quickly kissed him on the cheek and went outside to take the bus, if it wasn't gone already.

For my bad luck the bus was just leaving, I started shouting and waving my hands but the driver completely ignored me. Suddenly a yellow Devore GT stoped in front of me.

A good looking guy was staring at me, his messy brown hair were really messy due to the wind, he was probably violating the speed limit. His blue eyes were staring at me with curiosity.

"Hop in and I'll drop you to school." He said and his raspy voice made my heart beating faster. How does he know where my school is? Does he know me? Do I know him? Right now he is my only chance. I quickly open the door and sit on the passenger's seat. The whole car was even prettier inside and it was smelling mint. I had glued my eyes on him so I would be ready if he came up with something.

"Relax there, I don't bite." He Said and a weight left off of me. "Only if you ask me to." He joked and I glared at him.

"Don't worry I won't ask you to." I said with sass. Sightly a small smile appeared on his face.  "Why are you smiling?" I Asked but he didn't answer. "Please stop here." I commanded and he looked at me strangely. "I will go to school on foot." His eyes sparkled and I opened the door.

But the damage was done, I was seen coming to school with a fancy car and a good-looking guy, who I don't even know his name.

Suddenly I felt a push on my back, I quickly turned around and not surprisingly I saw Mona Hodges, my forever bully.

"How much did you pay him to bring you here?" She asked me and I felt my blood boiling. "Talk to me bitch!" She shouted. "Is that guy blind or has a vision problem?" She asked sarcastically, but before I could answer a raspy voice replied.

"Last time I checked, my eyes were alright." Said the mysterious guy and my heart started pounding. "Tell me, bitch..." He copies her tone. "Do you have something more interesting than us to do in your life?" He asked sarcastically and I was holding my laugh.

"How dare you...?" She asks, waiting for him to tell her his name.

"It's Peter."

Peter, what a lovely name, I wonder what is his surname.

"Peter Dawson." He corrected himself and he raised his eyebrow. I was wondering if I told out loud my thoughts.

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