Chapter 6:A new day.

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"Who was that Bailey?" Asked my dad suspiciously. My dad glances out of the window in time to see Peter's car drive away.

"That was a boy I met." I Said.

"A boy?" He Asked.

"His name is Peter. He gave me a ride when i realized I was gonna be home late."

"Well. That was awfully kind of him to leave the party early on your account." He Said and all I could think right now was the cops that were busting the party. "You must have made quite the impression on him."

"Yeah, Maybe." I mumbled and I thought Peter's cunning smile.

"This Peter. He drives a Divore GT?" Asked my dad.

"I guess? How did you know what it is?" I asked him.

"They're dangerously fast." He just told me. "Did you have fun at the party at least?"

"Yes it was insane." I Said, trying to sound exited. We both fall silent for an awkward moment. Dad scratches the back of his head and moves for the door.

"Well I've gotta head to the precinct."

"I'm sorry I stayed out late, dad." I apologized.

"I know you think you are grown up now. But you don't see what I see out there as a cop. And I hope you'll never have to." He sighed. "I just got assigned a big new case and it's... the world is a dangerous place. And I can't stop worrying about you." He kissed my forehead and headed out into the night. I turn to go upstairs and I quickly sleep tight in my bed.

The next morning

Yawning I go down the hall and almost run into a tall, young stranger standing in my kitchen.

"Huh?" Said the man, not knowing what to do or say. I grab a flying pan off the hanging rang and whack him on the shoulder with it. "Ow man you really know how to swing this thing!" Said the man.

"Start talking or i will hit you again! My dad trained me in self defense!" I shout angrily.

"Clearly he taught you well." Said the man.

"I sure did." Said my dad while he was coming in. My dad plucks the flying pan from my grip. "That's my daughter. Bailey, this is Detective Sawyer Brooke."

"Detective?" I asked embarrassed. "I'm so sorry Detective Brooke."

"You don't have a reason to apologize. I'm Sawyer, your dad's partner." He Said and offered me a smile.

"He is working with me for that big assignment: Serpentines Crew. Nobody's been able to catch this bunch of thieves, so they dumped it on me." Said my father.

"I usually work with a special unit but I'm honored to work with your old man, he is a legend." Said Detective Brooke.

"They pay him a little extra to suck it up to me." Said my dad sarcastically and finishes cooking up my pancakes, sets them on the table for me. "Here's the breakfast for you Bailey. Sorry I've gotta run. I'll be gone all night too, so there are leftovers in the fridge."

"It was great to meet you Bailey. By the way that bracelet is really nice." Said Detective Brooke.

"Thanks. That was my birthday gift from dad." I Said and offered him a friendly smile. I sit down to breakfast as soon as my dad and Detective Brooke head outside, to my dad's car. Through the window, dad waves to me as they pull away.

Soon, I'm sitting in class with Riya before bell, talking about the cops busting into last night's party.

"Everyone's grounded! Including me! Mona's mother had to come and pick her up from the police station." Said Riya.

"Whoa!" I say surprised.

"I heard that Jace's parents flew back from South America. They were so mad!" She Said. "Mine too! They aren't used to the cops dropping me off at home."

"Just blame all your misbehavior at me." I Said and Riya smiled.

"Consider it done." Said Riya. "Seriously Bailey, How were you the only one who didn't get caught?"

"Peter helped me."

"I love this boy Bailey. Very mysterious." The bell rang and everyone were reaching their desk.

"Okay class, settle down, everyone! Mona sit down.... unless you want to be in more trouble than you already are." Shouted the teacher.

"I didn't do anything last night! Everyone was at the party! Even Bailey! But she somehow escaped." Shouted Mona to defend herself.

"Me?" I pretended to be innocent.

"Mona, next time you're going to throw accusations, don't pick something so ridiculous." Said the teacher. "My favorite student is far too responsible to ever do anything like that."

After class, I walked into the halls with Riya, who closed her eyes with a dreamy look on her face.

"I never want to forget what Mona looked like in that moment. It's even better that Peter sent her packing last night." She said smiling.

"Speaking Of.... I will see him again tonight."

"You will have to tell me, every little detail!" She commanded.

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