Chapter 20: The group project.

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"How do I know what to choose? I wouldn't even know how to pick one from a dealer, let alone built one." I said.

"You'll know it. Just one look and you'll know it. It'll tell you." Peter said. "And man, I really hate to stroke his ego, but Ralph is the best at making it reality."

"Aww Peter you're gonna make me cry." As Ralph talks, I notice a car hidden a dust cover. The A/C gently blows the cover, exposing a glamming hubcap.

"What's under there?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, that?" Asked Ralph, looking at Peter as a sign for him to handle this.

"Cmon Ralph. Let's show her." Said Peter.

Ralph and Peter pulls off the dust cover revealing 1969 Chateaux Panther XX. The same model as my old car.

"Wow." I murmured excited. I graze my fingers along the shining white hood.

"Peter wanted me to recreate the same car you used to drive." Said Ralph. That was so sweet of him.

"Do you recognize it? The '69 Panther is basically the classic American muscle." Peter said, while he placed his fingers next to mine on the shining white hood. "I thought that if you used to drive this you'd never want to drive anything else. The engine on that thing... no one can beat it."

"Car manufacturers have spent decades trying to live up to this puppy set." Ralph interrupted Peter. "Bailey I have a few models you might want to see if you don't want to drive this model."

"I just love this one." I said and my fingers caresses the white hood.

"Go on. Hop in." Said Ralph. He opens the door and I slide inside, running my hands over the steering wheel. Everything is sleek and aerodynamic. The car is quiet and still, but it feels like it's crackling with energy.

"So, this is mine?"

"Consider it a thank-you for saving my friends." Said Ralph, a smile appears on my face as my eyes pass over the curves of my car, the gear shift, the pedals, the dashboard, the clock...

"The clock! I totally forgot to go to school!" I said subconsciously.

"Just day you were sick." Said Peter.

"I can't. I have a really important test the Seventh Period." I sigh. "Wait... should I drive there with my car?"

"You could but I'll give you a lift." Said Peter.

I run to school completely out of breath, just in time to here the final bell ring. The doors open, and a flood of students head past me toward the parking lot. Oh my God, I missed the test. This, this is a disaster.

I turn as I hear someone clapping next to me. Mona!

"Well done Bailey! Cutting for the first time... on a day of a huge test you can't make up?" She said sarcastically. "You're so sweet making it easy for me to jump you in the rankings."

"You mean.. I'm not number one anymore?" I asked while my heart was pounding.

"They'll be posting the new class ranking tomorrow. I'll look forward to you introducing me as the new as valedictorian at graduation." She stops talking, just to see my reaction. "Oh, and be careful. I hear that Harvard revokes acceptance letters if your grades fall too much! Toodles!" She said.

"I don't have time for this." I murmured and then walked away.

"Ugh! You're no fun when you're sad and pathetic."

A few days later, I'm distracted in class, studying for a future new driver's license on my phone under my desk. I've been spending less and less time at home, partly to spend more time driving at the shop, and partly to avoid my dad. As much as I think I did the right thing, a guilt continues gnaw at me.

A text from Peter.

We still driving tonight? I wanna take you somewhere.

Yeah, almost out of school for today. Can't wait to see you.

Soon, I'm packing up my backpack at my locker and hurrying out, when I nearly run straight into Riya and Jace.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

"Geez Bailey, you're like a tornado these days." Riya joked.

"I think someone's excited to get down and dirty with polynucleotides tonight." Joked Jace.

"What?" I asked not understanding.

"Don't Tell me you forgot! We're all set up at my place for us three to finish up our biochem project on replisomes." Riya said.

"Right! The group project!"

"Bailey are you feeling alright? First you skip a huge test, you let Mona take the top spot, now this?" Asked Jace surprised.

"Crap! I'm so frazzled with everything going on. I told Peter we could hangout tonight." I pause. "But I also can't afford to let my grades slip anymore."

"Easily solved! Bring Peter along! We're both dying to see him again." Said Riya.

"That's not a bad idea!" Agreed Jace.

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